Capcom Confirms Ace Attorney WiiWare for Europe

By Adam Riley 30.11.2009 1

Capcom Confirms Ace Attorney WiiWare for Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Cubed3 learned of the Ace Attorney games coming to WiiWare back in September, German ratings website USK listed the first episode a few weeks back, then Famitsu confirmed their reality earlier this week.

Now Capcom Europe has gone on record to reveal the first game, Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright will land on the European WiiWare service early next year for 1,000 Nintendo Points. Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Justice for All will follow early in Spring 2010, whilst Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations is coming at an unspecified later date, both also for the same price of 1,000 Points.

As for US Wii owners, they can expect the first game in January, the second in March and the end of the Phoenix Wright trilogy to launch in May 2010. It should be noted that the first game will be the original four cases from the Game Boy Advance 'Gyakuten Saiban', with the fifth, extra case found in the Nintendo DS remake, coming further down the line (May in the US) for a separate 100 Points.

Readers may be disappointed to see that other than the above screen, which has been specifically made for the WiiWare version, the rest of the assets have not been touched up in the slightest. Some have speculated that this could be due to file size issues, since the WiiWare service has a restriction of ~43MB and the second and third game are on 32MB DS media cards. As for the first game, since it had an extra fifth case added to the DS version, it used a 64MB DS card, which is likely why that fifth case is being added to WiiWare separately.

More screens can be found here, thanks to Wii Italia.

Box art for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All








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Well this is interesting news. I kind of like the idea of this. Shame I own all of them anyway.Smilie

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