Happy Hammerin' Heads to WiiWare

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.11.2009

Happy Hammerin

Agenda, the team that created the immensely popular Clubhouse Games / 42 All-Time Classics on DS for Nintendo, is back once more, this time with an effort for the WiiWare download service.

After looking like residing in Japan only, UK publisher GAMEBRIDGE Ltd. has announced that it has picked the game up and has offered up the first details of Happy Hammerin’, which will be released under the company’s ‘HAPPY’ series label.

Happy Hammerin’ is a fun party game with a variety of modes to suit everyone. Players swing the Wii Remote like a hammer as they frantically try to bash moles popping up all over the screen before they disappear again. The quicker you hit the moles the more points you get. Play single player or go head to head with 3 friends. Players can challenge themselves in three different modes, Mole adventure (1-2P), Mole Marathon (1P) and Party Battle (1-4P). Mole Adventure consists of 4 themed stages (Horror, Japan, Jungle, Space) with 3 difficulty levels. Players can also register their scores online and compete in the world wide ranking. Further details on the game will follow in December.

Box art for Happy Hammerin'








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