Donkey Kong Country Composer Leaves Rare

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.11.2009 12

Donkey Kong Country Composer Leaves Rare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

British video game music composer David Wise, famous for his compositions in Donkey Kong Country, has left Rare.

Wise worked at Rare since 1985, composing all of the company's tracks up until 1994 - a whole slew of NES titles including Marble Madness, Double Dare and Wizards & Warriors. Arguably his most famous work is the Donkey Kong series Rare worked on, from Donkey Kong Country to Diddy Kong Racing.

At the end of October he left the company, explaining on his Facebook that the studio's direction has changed so much that there's a lack of opportunity.

I think the business of Rare has changed a great deal, and at the moment there is just not the opportunity to create the soundtracks that Rare were fortunately very famous for.

Thanks to NeoGAF.

What do you think of Rare and David Wise's music? Are you a fan? Do you agree/disagree with his comments?

Box art for Donkey Kong Country





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I broadcast plenty of his tracks on my webradio Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

David Wise is a Genius, Ninty Should get this guy to work with Retro fast! This guy is not your usual composer.

I forgot to mention he's currently freelancing - Nintendo should definitely try to make him an offer! Smilie

Classic DK + David Wise would be simply epic!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

OK Rare are officially doomed. This is the guy who made this right?

Yeah, Rare are doomed.

In other news...

jb said:
I forgot to mention he's currently freelancing - Nintendo should definitely try to make him an offer! Smilie

Classic DK + David Wise would be simply epic!

FUCK YES. Make it so Nintendo T_T

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Guest 15.11.2009#5

This guy has made great tunes. He'll be alright.

Do you guys know the Donkey Kong Country mashups that Norwegian Recycling made?
You can legally download it here:

I personally prefer his other mashups, but this is nice for the fans. Smilie

It\'s sad to know, he is one of my favourite videogame composers of all-time. From what I gathered he hadn\'t been doing much music for the company recently though. His work on the Donkey Kong Country soundtracks are some of the best, in my opinion.

I hope Nintendo employ him and like always I\'ll dream of a Donkey Kong Country 4 on Wiiware.

( Edited 15.11.2009 15:13 by Marzy )

I loved his DKC tracks and totally agree with his position on Rare's current focus. Since Billy boy got his hands on Rare nothing has been right.

This man is absolutely brilliant. The soundtrack from DKC is legendary. He's so talented, I don't believe he has anything to worry about. Ninty should definitely peg him for their games.

satsubatsu347 said:
I loved his DKC tracks and totally agree with his position on Rare's current focus. Since Billy boy got his hands on Rare nothing has been right.

So true, Rare has been spiraling outta control since they parted ways with Nintendo and ended up in Microsoft's hands (talk about opposites). Rare just isn't like they once were. Smilie I was SOOOO looking forward to Perfect Dark Zero, Donkey Kong Racing, and potentially, a new Jet Force Gemini, Donkey Kong Country, Blast Corps, Conker's Other Bad Fur Day, and Banjo-Threeie for the good ol' Cube. It still breaks my heart.

I tell you what, Retro is the new Rare. That's for damn sure. Smilie But I can still dream of a new Killer Instinct, can't I? Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Guest 16.11.2009#10

I'm glad you're not at the head of a games company. Come on, all you can think of is sequels to existing games?

Don't you remember how fun it was when those games first came out? You didn't know anything about them, everything was new, it was so much fun exploring those worlds and possibilities, secrets!

I can't be the only one who feels every sequel to a game is less interesting than the one before it.
Oh hey Donkey Country! What's this, you can ride animals! And those barrels...amazing shit I just launched myself into a secret barrel! Daymn son! those wasps are annoying!

*sequel is released*

Oh hey, 2 new characters to play with, that's cool. Oh look, they changed the graphics on those bonus barrels. And you can collect golden coins I wonder what they do.

Doesn't need to be sequels, for me, just a mad DKC4 or a Really decent 3D DK would be awesome. But the point is this guy can do wonders, and his stuff fits more Nintendo's work than anyone else's just like how RARE is more like Ninty than MS, just because of the way they make games are more suited to Nintendo Fans I reckon.

Just look what they did to the DK franchise, Diddy K Racing, etc. But, since Rare is not up for taking, getting the lead composer David Wise, is like mixing Baileys with Vanilla Ice cream, full of win.

They could Certainly have him working close to Nintendo's Tokyo Studio, have them make a classic Dk game since it's *similar* to mario (I know it's clunkier, different mechanics, different objectives, etc) they really need to revive the series.

I've done so many projects on possible DKC 2D games for Uni, that's how much I want a DK game. Even if it's 3D and massive like DK64. It could look so awesome in Galaxy's graphics... Damn I shouldn't have read this... Mental meltdown...

lol I love awesome surprises just as much as the next guy, but there's nothing wrong with wanting an epic sequel to our favorite games. Smilie Provided it's done properly, of course. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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