A Man, A Banjo and Space Shooter for WiiWare

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.11.2009 4

A Man, A Banjo and Space Shooter for WiiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Classic Kemco SNES space shooter Phalanx is heading to WiiWare as a remake.

Known for a bizzare boxart of a totally-irrelevant man sitting with his banjo, the space shooter was a fairly lukewarm hit back on the 16-bit SNES, and also received a port on the GameBoy Advance back in 2001.

The game will come in at 500 Wii points, boasting enhanced visuals and sound. Don't remember Phalanx, here's a quick recap with footage of the SNES version in all its glory:

Thanks to Game Watch, via Nintendo Life.

Box art for Phalanx








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All I can say is...
The boxart had better be remade somehow. It's legendary.

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Shane (guest) 14.11.2009#2

LOL! Wtf is this?! Man on banjo sounds a lot more appaeling! SmilieSmilie

Our member of the week

I think the story behind the boxart was that it was intended to make the game stand out from the other shooters on the shelves. Can\'t remember where i read that.

The japanese boxart was indeed pretty generic.

Anyway, i have great memories playing this game in japanese back in the days. I went so far as buying the GBA port. It\'s a nice shoot \'em up but nothing extraordinary either. Great music tracks though.

Hopefully this Wiiware port will e released in the West too, as it was on the SNES and GBA.

( Edited 14.11.2009 23:14 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I was always worried it was going to be a Deliverance themed Cho Aniki.

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