New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.11.2009 8

New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Activision has whipped up some gameplay footage from the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Wii port, Reflex.

The project is retaining as many features of the original HD-versions as possible, including a solid single player campaign, multiplayer modes and fully customisable Wii remote and nun-chuck control. Reflex will also benefit from 10-player online and improved sound features.

Box art for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Infinity Ward




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (17 Votes)

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Doesn't look too shabby. The load times seem a tad too long though. Those who enjoyed World at War on Wii should love this. Smilie

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
Doesn't look too shabby. The load times seem a tad too long though. Those who enjoyed World at War on Wii should love this. Smilie

Load times look quick compared to my PC Smilie And anyway, doens't matter about load times as they are done in the brief. As long as the load finishes by the time the brief completes itself its all good.

Why aren't they porting Modern Warfare 2, instead?

Martin_ said:
Why aren't they porting Modern Warfare 2, instead?

Probably because the port is Treyarch's work, I doubt Infinity Ward would let them have the unfinished game; and they've already said no to Wii development.

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Can\'t Activision just bitch-slap Infinity Ward? They are the big cheese of this whole operation. Hmmm. Anyway, COD4 was a fucking great game, and if this port is even half as good, Wii owners are in for a real treat. You just have to wonder how many people haven\'t played COD4 yet. Probably not that many people.

They need to get the online multiplayer right, though. The single-player is one thing, but it\'s the online multiplayer that kept people playing COD4 on their PS3s, 360s, and PCs for the last two years. Wii online is usually quite terrible, at best. If this game can retain all of the online features from the original version, and retain the maps, then this will be a must-have for any Wii owner. Even if it only supports ten players. Maybe some new maps for the smaller amount of players would be good?

I\'m interested to see how this one turns out.

( Edited 07.11.2009 16:59 by Martin_ )

ive got the game and it is ace but there is a hacker called hetaon2 and he is the highest you can get and it says it took him 8 hours to reach it.

THIS GAME IS ACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


( Edited 10.11.2009 07:59 by jigsaw )

on options it says cheats.

way would you like cheats because i got it and people have colour on there name and that hetaon2 has colour and he is a hacker EG(GEEK) and other people have colour on there name but there not hackers and i didnt get that.

HACKERS SPOIL GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doesn't look too bad at all.

First Mission, I suppose most of you's have played it already.

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