New Trailer for Capcom's Ghost Trick DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.11.2009 2

New Trailer for Capcom

Capcom have released a swanky new trailer for its upcoming side-on adventure game, Ghost Trick for DS.

Produced by the talented bunch who made Mega Man 9, Ace Attorney and Zack and Wiki, the game tells the unfortunate story of Sisel, who's just been shot. In the hours after his death he sets out to find out exactly what happened, having no recollection of who he is or how he died.

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The trailer looks extremely stylish and delivers great animations for a DS title. Looks absolutely cool and after Zack & Wiki's humour, style and Ace Attorney's groove I think that's a great game in the making.
But I understand almost nothing of the trailer. What does the man do? Why's the cat special? What's with the lamp?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

The important question is: Will we get it released outside of Japan?

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