Wii Sports Resort Creeps up to 7 Million

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.11.2009 6

Wii Sports Resort Creeps up to 7 Million on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Wii Sports Resort has topped nearly seven million copies since launching with MotionPlus earlier this year.

Despite lower sales for Wii hardware, the follow-up to Wii Sports (which itself has now slipped past 50 million) has now sold 6.97 million copies worldwide, giving a fairly solid install base for MotionPlus-enabled owners.

Fellow software in the Wii range has also performed exceptionally well, with Wii Fit selling 22.5 million with the balance board, the expansion, Wii Fit Plus creeping past the 2 million mark and Mario Kart still hogging the charts at 18.4 million. The mini-game compilation bundled with Wii Remote, Wii Play knocked up 24.4 million.

Nintendo has also performed continually well with DS software, the classic 2D revival, New! Super Mario Bros selling 19.94 million copies, Mario Kart DS 16.1 million and Professor Layton and Pandora's Box is at 1.26 million. The much desired Pokémon Gold and Silver remakes, Heart and Soul, together shipped 2.27 million, with Platinum topping 6.39 million.

Thanks to GamesIndustry.biz.

Box art for Wii Sports Resort








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Whow, and that's even without me buying it yet, counting for 1 million in sales easily!

Wii Sports Resort should do 15 million between now and December 2010. It would be funny if the top 10 of best selling games of the decade would be all Wii games...

EdEN said:
Wii Sports Resort should do 15 million between now and December 2010. It would be funny if the top 10 of best selling games of the decade would be all Wii games...

Nintendo currently has 9 of the top 10 best selling video games and 17 of the top 20 all time.

Excellent stuff, never expected Resort to be this high so soon, tis great.

Hopefully we'll really see a big push for MotionPlus-enabled titles, newer games should include it where relevant, at the very least a smaller MotionPlus-only mode to bridge the gap.

Really surprised Mario Kart Wii's still holding on, whereas Smash Bros Brawl barely stayed in the charts. MK's a great game, imo the best in the series (along with DS), but still find it hard to see how it's sold that well!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Seamus Haley (guest) 03.11.2009#6

Scary how me and my girlfriend has all of those games even Wii Fit Plus! She bought it over the weekend and hasn't stopped jiggling since she bought it!

Jorge, Mario Kart is just one of those games that keeps on giving. Like my girlfriend after she has played Wii Fit PLus Smilie

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