Goldeneye Remake on the way to Wii?

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.10.2009 15

Goldeneye Remake on the way to Wii? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The CV of an ex-Eurocom animator has revealed a possible project on the way to Wii, dubbed "Goldeneye 2010".

Craig Peck's online resume (which has recently been removed) involved "key frame animation, the preparation and clean-up of motion capture data, prop animation, in-game cut-scene animation, scene layout, and camera animation" for a Wii James Bond game.

Eurocom has worked with Activision and Nintendo before, bringing the last Bond outing, Quantum of Solace, to the Wii last year.

Thanks to CVG and C3 reader Marzy.

If the project comes to light, could it be a ground-up retelling of the 1995 Bond flick, or a remake of the N64 version? Or should Rare/Nintendo/Activision leave the much loved classic alone?

Box art for GoldenEye 007





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Since Rareware wouldn't be involved in a Wii Game, i would dismiss at once the idea that it could be a remake (Since they still hold rights to the level design, programs, gameplay, etc for the original Goldeneye).

But a retelling might be possible. As long as it's not as average as the latest Goldeneye game, i migth be interested.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Just don't get your hopes up.

I'd have thought it's probably a remake of GoldenEye Rogue Agent and not the classic one from Rare.

Quantum of Solace to the Wii last year Smilie OH GOD DO NOT WANT

They just trying to use the name so it sells better

( Edited 26.10.2009 20:07 by Jump_button )

As I understand it, the rights to the original N64 GoldenEye are extremely complicated. From what I\'ve read, they\'re shared between Nintendo, Rare, Activision, and obviously the actual James Bond license-holders. To me, this makes a \'remake\' (as in, a re-creation/repackaging of Rare\'s game) seem somewhat impossible to me.

The most likely turnout is that the game is not based on the N64 game in any direct (read: copyright-infringing) way, but is a completely new game based on the film. This sort of project shouldn\'t need any sort of involvement or agreement with Rare. The fact that it\'s referred to as \"GoldenEye 2010\" would seem to support this.

If this turns out to be the case, they\'re still obviously trying to capitalize on people\'s fondness for the N64 original. After the negotiations broke down for that game to come to the Wii and XBLA, Rare just decided to port Perfect Dark (essentially GoldenEye 2, and is the better game overall) to the 360, instead.

So Nintendo found themselves in a situation where 360-owners were still basically going to get GoldenEye, not to mention the Banjo-Kazooie games, etc. So I guess this \"GoldenEye 2010\" is the best they could do for Wii-owners. I\'m a huge fan of the original GoldenEye, so I\'m interested to see exactly what this project is, and how it\'ll turn out.

( Edited 26.10.2009 20:08 by Martin_ )

I remember people saying (rumours) that there were negotiations between Microsoft, Rare, Nintendo and Activision to bring an updated version to both 360 and Wii, the 360 version may well be XBLA.

I don't think anything will come of this personally, but we'll see.

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SuperLink said:
I remember people saying (rumours) that there were negotiations between Microsoft, Rare, Nintendo and Activision to bring an updated version to both 360 and Wii, the 360 version may well be XBLA.

That was the thing that fell through, and that's where the GoldenEye XBLA screens come from. They are genuine.

Martin_ said:
That was the thing that fell through, and that's where the GoldenEye XBLA screens come from. They are genuine.

iirc the Goldeneye XBLA screens are from before things were "halted", but for all we know the game has been in redevelopment.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Ross T (guest) 27.10.2009#9

Lots of big news tonight eh?

I don't think it was because it was "Goldeneye", great film and all, but because it was and is a great, great game. Still a joy to play today, because of the gameplay and design. Without that you'd have a Call of Duty-engine-driven-too-shiny piece of crap from so called "experienced" developers. My big arse to that one methinks.

SuperLink said:
iirc the Goldeneye XBLA screens are from before things were "halted", but for all we know the game has been in redevelopment.

I didn't say they were from after development was halted? Anyway, that game will not be in redevelopment. Rare says no. Without all parties in agreement, the original GoldenEye will stay on the N64. This new one cannot be a port of any sort.

Cant see this turning out any good, Bond games from EA and Activison have been pretty pants. QOS is alright but has pretty poor design. Would be interesting to see another take on Goldeneye, but don't have much hope for this.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Martin_ said:
SuperLink said:
I remember people saying (rumours) that there were negotiations between Microsoft, Rare, Nintendo and Activision to bring an updated version to both 360 and Wii, the 360 version may well be XBLA.

That was the thing that fell through, and that's where the GoldenEye XBLA screens come from. They are genuine.

Dunno about them being genuine, you might've seen these

Goldeneye was a brilliant and revolutionary game, no question.

But how likely is this going to be? I'll see by the end of 2010 I reckon.

But what about a new shooter, that re-sets the marks aimed for by most modern day fps's? I mean, I could shoot a guy in perfect dark and have his mate run over to cry, or kill the lights and get them scared - that was 10 years ago!

Somebody please step up and make a brilliant-gameplay ultimate shooter again. What's with the endless nostalgia...?

no.... next question....

Andrezao said:
Dunno about them being genuine, you might've seen these

No, it wasn't GoldenEye: Source.

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