Ninja Captains Competition - Week 6

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.10.2009 1

Ninja Captains Competition - Week 6 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's the final week of our Ninja Captains competition for the chance to win a copy of the DS game, and DS console!

For 5 weeks we'll be giving you the chance to win a copy of the game, and for the lucky entrants who answer 5 right, there'll be a chance to win a DS console!

As developer Nordcurrent asked last week:

What would the Ninja Captains really like to "fish" out of the truck?

Send your answers to jb[at] with the subject "Ninja Captains Week 6".

Finally the Ninja Captains have defeated the Giant Mouse and saved the world yet again! To celebrate this fantastic feat they have decided to treat themselves to a day out participating in their favourite hobby - fishing!

Watch as Warrior Ninja grabs the drill and begins to break through the thick ice - Clumsy Ninja and Magic Ninja watching in anticipation whilst trying to keep warm next to the camp fire. Will Fatty Ninja help the team out? Not likely, he has fallen asleep as usual!

Just what will Warrior Ninja pull from the vast ice shaft he has created? Will Fatty Ninja wake up in time to find out? Watch and find out in the final video in the series...

Competition Rules

  • For this part of the competition, you have until midnight Thursday 15th October 2009 to send in your answers.
  • UK residents only.
  • No cash alternative will be offered, nor any compensation for lost prizes.
  • No staff from Nordcurrent/Cubed3 may enter the competition.
  • Competition results will be posted on Friday.

    Box art for Ninja Captains








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    European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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    For this part of the competition, you have until midnight Thursday 15th September 2009 to send in your answers.

    Also I managed to miss weeks 1-5 of!? Smilie

    ( Edited 11.10.2009 11:50 by Simon_ )

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

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