No Plans for Professor Layton on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.10.2009 6

No Plans for Professor Layton on Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Akihiro Hino, Level 5 CEO, has discussed the future of Professor Layton, and was asked whether the series would be Wii bound.

Speaking to ONM, Hino outlined the franchise's plans on the DS. With the ending of the first trilogy comes another threesome of Layton games, but will there ever be a home-console adventure for the professor?

This trilogy comes to a conclusion with Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel, but we will be releasing the first title of the new trilogy, Professor Layton and the Flute of Malevolent Destiny in Japan. The new trilogy will also be based around solving puzzles, but will also include greatly improved bonus modes so I think that players will be able to enjoy the games for even longer. We currently have no plans for a Wii release.

Level 5 CEO Akihiro Hino

What do you think? Is there room for Professor Layton in the home console market, or should he stick to portables?

Box art for Professor Layton and Pandora's Box








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I'd say, wait till all six DS games are released and then consider their options.

Well, Honestly The Wii games do cost more then a DS game, it will be a bad idea to put it on the Wii because there might be a time if/when they release it on the Wii it might be on the time when someone releases a good game on it and both parties will possibly be harmed. So it is a good idea to stay on the DS because it is more convenient and more of a portable game... to bad no one else realizes that portable games should stay there and home games should stay where they are.

Honestly, I'm not fussed either way.
Laytons the story of game that dosnt mater what its on much.

That said, I think maybe eppisodic WiiWare release's could work. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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wolvesgod2x said:
when they release it on the Wii it might be on the time when someone releases a good game on it and both parties will possibly be harmed.

I must say I didn't get it. There isn't room for more then one game on Wii? And even if, there's no room for 2 game with the same mechanics and similar style? I think that's the thinking that gives us less Wii games and maybe a lot of bad ones.
Good games, carefully released when not ten of a similar kind are thrown on the market, will often sell, regardless how many others of similar kind are out there.

But I agree - and I seldom do, because I don't like portable games very much - that Layton is great on DS, is handled like a riddle book and would probably lose when put on Wii. Not on the base of presentation, but on handling. Stylus is great to control the game, Wiimote would probably mean a step back.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Nah, the Wiimote is good enough.
Theres a few puzzles in Layton that would need preciseness, but most dont.
As long as you can sketch a number or letter, it will be fine.

That said, given Another Codes sales on DS vs Wii, remaining portal seems the best plan. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Honestly, Layton should just stay on DS. When I'm at home, chilling out, sliding into my comfortable chair with a gaming controller in my hand, I'm not really in the mood for puzzles. But when I'm on the bus, it's Layton time.

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