Capcom Considering Wii Speak for Monster Hunter 3

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.10.2009 7

Capcom Considering Wii Speak for Monster Hunter 3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom representatives recently spoke Monster Hunter 3, with possible changes for the Western version, including Wii Speak.

Japanese folk love Monster Hunter. The third outing, currently exclusive to Nintendo's Wii, has sold a bucket load since its release in August - one of the praised aspects being online play. Capcom are looking to possibly improve it when localised - including considering removing online fees and adding support for voice chat.

(removing fees is) something that we're looking into at the moment and there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, Monster Hunter isn't as popular in the West, so it might put people off. Secondly, Japan doesn't have Friend Codes, so Capcom run all the servers and the monthly fee is essentially to pay for those costs.

Chris Kramer, Capcom USA Senior Director of Communications and Community

We're looking into a bunch a different things and one of the things is definitely like, a lot of users have asked for voice chat. We're looking into right now whether it's technically possible or not. And so if it is, maybe we'll make an announcement. If it isn't, you know, if it realistically can't be done, then I'm sorry we may have to leave it out. But we're looking into it.

Capcom Producer Ryozo Tsjmoto

Thanks to MyWii.

Would you like to see these additions in Monster Hunter 3, and do you feel more Wii titles need support for Wii Speak/Voice chat?

Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








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Japan doesn't have friend codes? Or just this game?

And if this game is online only, a subscription would kill sales.

( Edited 14.12.2012 20:18 by Guest )

Japan has no freind codes! Damn, we got the rough end of the stick. Next thing we know is that they will have an achievement system too Smilie

I hope they make it free for western gamers, it would be so much better considering you would only be able to play with friends.

( Edited 14.12.2012 20:18 by Guest )

God, I hate it when they lie to us and rely on our ignorance.
Friend Codes have nothing to do with costs at all.
If you need to run a player-pairing sever/forum, it costs no more then a normal website (well, a semi-popular website like, say, this one). The costs would probably work out at barely 1cent per user per week for someone like Capcom.

The big cost in games is when you need to run persistant severs, like mmos. Then you need much more computing power per person.
I dont think Monster Hunter needs this sort of sever, I think...once a match is made between exchange is merely swapped between the wiis, no processing done at capcom.'
But even if they DID need those sorts of severs, the lack/addition of friend codes wouldnt change the running cost.

( Edited 14.12.2012 20:18 by Guest ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Him saying "no friend codes" in Japan just means that Capcom haven't used the Nintendo Wifi Connection for MH3 (I think anyway). If they had then there would be friend codes and the game would have also been free to play online as it would have been using Nintendo's servers and not their own.

As far as I'm aware, Japan games do use friend codes. Anyone in the know?

( Edited 14.12.2012 20:18 by Guest )

Of course we want it to be free. And with Voice Chat. And yes, more games should use it.

SmilieI can't wait for this game to hit the shores. I feel like I've been waiting forever. I had a feeling that they were going to be using Nintendo's Wi-Fi, but this entry really sheds some light on why those in Japan have to pay while those outside don't. I'm really hoping they include some Wii Speak features, while their on the fly chat system looks good I'd rather just talk the type.

Darkflame said:
God, I hate it when they lie to us and rely on our ignorance.
Friend Codes have nothing to do with costs at all.

The big cost in games is when you need to run persistant severs, like mmos. Then you need much more computing power per person.
I dont think Monster Hunter needs this sort of sever, I think...once a match is made between exchange is merely swapped between the wiis, no processing done at capcom.'
But even if they DID need those sorts of severs, the lack/addition of friend codes wouldnt change the running cost.

I don't think he's saying "they're paying because of the lack of FCs". It sounds to me that because of MH's high popularity in Japan and the new events that are updated into the game that they want to make sure the servers are stable from all the traffic.

Capcom runs all the servers and the monthly fee is essentially to pay for those costs.

Blizzard runs way more complicated servers, AND they use the money to create new content.

So if Capcom are using all the fees to pay for their servers, they're doing something terribly wrong.

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