Flowerworks WiiWare Screens/Videos

By Adam Riley 26.09.2009

Flowerworks WiiWare Screens/Videos on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nocturnal has announced the upcoming release of Flowerworks for the WiiWare service on Wii. Under development for more than 18 months, Flowerworks combines flowers and fireworks in a groundbreaking action-adventure game, designed from the ground-up for Wii. In Flowerworks, the player takes the role of Follie - a friendly (but confused) alien who crash lands on the mysterious planet Elilia, whilst transporting a cargo of Flowerworks seeds to her Aunty. As Follie ventures away from the wreckage of her ship, she finds the planet to be unacceptably lacklustre and her self-confidence is shattered. She must explore the planet, rebuild her confidence, and unravel the mysteries of Elilia. By recovering her seeds and growing Flowerworks, she can transform the planet from drab to fab.

Flowerworks is a child friendly, pick-up-and-play title that will appeal to the entire family. The game is designed around the strengths of the Wii:

  • Single player adventure
  • Family friendly (suitable for young children as well as adults)
  • Adventure mode (15-25 hour quest)
  • 50 distinct levels to complete
  • Try for a 5-Star ranking on each level
  • A huge world to explore
  • Extra abilities to collect and master
  • Follow the story of Follie and unravel the secrets of the planet
  • Quick Play "Arcade" mode (3 difficulty settings)
  • Tutorial mode
  • Use the Wii Remote to grow flowers, explode fireworks, pacify pesky gnomes, and pop bubbles
  • Supports high resolution 480p mode, and runs at 60 frames per second.
Below are the three latest videos released by the developer:

Box art for Flowerworks





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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