EA Reveals 1st Zelda DS Clone Footage

By Adam Riley 26.09.2009 4

EA Reveals 1st Zelda DS Clone Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After two DS SimCity games, Theme Park and Populous, EA Japan is now bringing a Zelda-style RPG to the DS in the form of Shonen Kininden Tsumuji, a game that was announced a long while ago, but has been kept under close wraps, even after being aired at the World Hobby Fair in January. Now, though, EA is putting the DS RPG, which appears to take a leaf or two out of Nintendo's book, taking on a cel-shaded Legend of Zelda-esque visual approach, at centre stage during the Tokyo Games Show. Players take control of the lead character, Tsumuji (which translates roughly as 'whirlwind'), a young ninja, who is on a mission to save his family and close childhood friend, Momo, making good use of his large shuriken, Senpuuki, in a stylus-only controlled adventure.

Below is footage from a hands-on playtest at the Tokyo Games Show, as well as a brief interview with the developer:

Box art for Shonen Kininden Tsumuji

Neuron Age




Real Time RPG



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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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really it's about time I hardly see RPG DS games
(That's just me)

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

I wanna see nintendo sue EA for using some really simple thing that is just proprietary nintendo Smilie That\'s what the start sound made me think of lol...

That is what I\'m REALLY excited for Smilie

( Edited 26.09.2009 16:40 by erv )

does anyone realize see his name is Ninden?

Captian said:

really it's about time I hardly see RPG DS games
(That's just me)

DS has got more rpg's than the Wii, PS3 and 360 put together.

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