Namco Patents Inflatable Wii Drum

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.09.2009 3

Namco Patents Inflatable Wii Drum on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A slightly more useful Wii patent has uncovered an inflatable drum housing for the Wii remote, demonstrated using Taiko.

It seems Namco Bandai do want to give the Wii version of Taiko no Tatsujin a chance in the West, but if they do might opt for an inflatable drum accessory over the more expensive plastic varieties.

Siliconera's reporting that it's essentially a soft cushion that you'll pop your remote inside and tap away to send drum tap data to the Wii.

Image for Namco Patents Inflatable Wii Drum

What do you think of the idea; could it work?

Box art for Taiko no Tatsujin Wii

Bandai Namco


Namco Bandai





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That's...actually a pretty cool idea.

Yeah that's pretty smart. So much you can do with the WiiMote!

do want.

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