Nintendo Confirms More Another Code Coming

By Adam Riley 14.09.2009 4

Nintendo Confirms More Another Code Coming on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Another Code for Wii not out in the US, many worried about its future. Worry no more, though! In an interview that will be published later this evening, developer CiNG and Nintendo confirmed that there will indeed be a future for Another Code, although it may not necessarily focus purely on Ashley Mizuki Robbins. The answer given should also please those who played the Wii game and felt the ending did not sufficiently conclude one particularly large story arc for a supporting character.

Below is a quote from the full interview:

Cubed3's Adam Riley: The conclusion to Matt's story about his missing father seemed very rushed and unfulfilling. Was his story concluded so briefly at the end due to time constraints during development? Or will we learn more about Matt and his father in a future Another Code game?

Rika SUZUKI, Game Design and Scenario at Cing: The story of Matt is not complete at this moment. Matt has now established a close friendship with Ashley, just as D did in the original Another Code. However, there is a huge difference between D and Matt in that D is already dead and all he has is his past. Matt, on the other hand, has a grand future ahead of him from which to use as source material. In terms of the potential for Matt's story in the future, we are definitely going to express his entire storyline through the world of Another Code, including how his friendship develops with Ashley and more on the story of his father, Michael.

In addition to this, it is stated later in the interview that there is no preference of platform, with future games planned for either Wii or DS. However, considering how the DS Another Code sold 100,000 copies in Japan and the Wii edition initially struggled to break the 10,000 mark, chances are another portable edition could be on the cards.

Stick around for the full interview later, in which Hotel Dusk is touched upon as well. In the meantime, though, be sure to check out these Another Code articles:

Box art for Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories








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That is awesome! Maybe we take control of Matt instead of Ashley this time round?

I want it on my Wii Smilie

but I'll bite anything.

Shame Another Code on Wii did so poorly. I hope it sells more and more. Okay, I have to pick up my copy, too... But I will! Promise. I like the atmosphere these two games lay before me while playing.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Fantastic, but a little less talking next time?
The DS game had the ballance perfect.
The Wii game did not. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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