New F1 2009 Wii Screens & Video

By Adam Riley 12.09.2009 6

New F1 2009 Wii Screens & Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO SANTANDER D'ITALIA 2009 next on the race calendar, Codemasters has enlisted the help of FORMULA ONE test driver and BBC Radio 5 live pundit Anthony Davidson to talk gamers through a lap of Monza in its upcoming game F1 2009. The video, taken from the Wii version that can be seen below, gives gamers a driver's eye view of the track while Anthony Davidson gives a detailed insight into completing a lap of one of FORMULA ONE'S most iconic circuits.

New screenshots, featuring the Monza circuit, can also be seen in the media folder at the bottom of this story, showcasing F1 2009's authentic recreation of all the official teams, drivers and circuits from the 2009 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.

Out this autumn, F1 2009 on the Wii will supposedly set new standards for racing immersion and authenticity on the Nintendo console while remaining accessible for the entire family. There will also be a limited edition bundle available at launch that will include a Race Wheel that will house the Wii Remote.

Box art for F1 2009







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The visuals look like they have been taken from the last generation games in 2003.

Besides seeing shadows on the cars, I could swear it looked almost n64 ish except for a bit of shade and lighting.

I don't mind the graphical sacrifice if this is gonna be super smooth 60fps. Also it's so damn late, the F1 season is almost over.

It's blurry and I don't see much detail. But for me graphics are very, very good!
shadow-rendering, no popups, smotth frame rate, sharp textures (rubber on street, ads on cars, etc). Why do you people think it's from 2003? It isn't Codemaster's fault, that there's nothing going on on the outscirts of the track. I mean it's Monza. A race track with stands next to it. What could be more boring then realistic track design?
Okay, realistic space design.

There will also be a limited edition bundle available at launch that will include a Race Wheel that will house the Wii Remote.

How original!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

The only real problem with the visuals is that there is no reflections in the mirrors. It does looks pretty bland though, sort of like an N64 game.

The physics in the wheels looked horrific too, it looks like it\'s a rally game.

Edit: After looking at the screens, it looks like a PSP port to me.

( Edited 14.09.2009 10:58 by Marzy )

Why do you people think it's from 2003?

I have F1 career challenge (released in 2003) and it looks better then this.

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