Shed Pounds and Burn Iron with Wii Fit for Under £50

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.09.2009 3

Shed Pounds and Burn Iron with Wii Fit for Under £50 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Break a sweat without breaking your wallet with a handful of Wii offers at UK supermarket Morrisons this week.

The retailer has had a history of cutting popular titles, and this time round fans will be able to pick up a copy of chart-survivor Mario Kart Wii for £19.99, pump iron and lose a few pounds with Wii Fit/balance board at £49.99. Both of these games will be available at the reduced price till Sunday.

The console and Wii Sports bundle has also been slashed slightly, down to £150 from the £200 retail purchase price.

Thanks to MCV.

Will you be picking up any of these titles this week?

Box art for Wii Fit








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So basically they're expecting people to come to the store and pick up the console, Wii Fit, Mario Kart and maybe another game or two while they're at it.

Loss leader indeed...

I got it for £40 two months ago. I posted the link for the discount and nobody cared. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Gwan Morrisons!

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