First Ghost Trick Details from Famitsu

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.09.2009 2

First Ghost Trick Details from Famitsu on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As well as confirming the sequel to Okami for DS, Capcom also touched upon the freshly announced Ghost Trick mystery game.

The DS project is being headed by some important figures in the gaming world - Hironobu Takeshita of Mega Man 9 fame is acting as producer, whilst Shu Takumi, the main writer for Ace Attourney, is filling the director's shoes.

Ghost Trick is a mystery adventure starring a chap who's just been shot to death. Known as Sisel, he wanders about in soul form, has no memories, and must figure out his live and untimely demise in the few hours he's allowed before he disappears forever.

Sisel can move around the timeline surrounding his death, witness events, contact old friends and even the hitman who killed him - how? By possessing objects using the stylus to communicate with the "real" world.

I first thought of this idea about five years ago. We were working on the third Ace Attorney and figured it was time to start thinking about the next thing. So I came up with a plan to make a new type of mystery, something different in style from Ace Attorney. I chose a portable platform because it matches well with the style of my games -- the close range between you and the small screen creates this in-the-game-world effect which I like.

Shu Takumi talking to Famitsu.

Thanks to 1up for the translation.

Box art for Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective








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This is one of those games that will inevitably fall under the radar for most gamers. However, I\'m making sure to keep an eye on it from an early stage, thanks to this lovely bit of info:

The DS project is being headed by some important figures in the gaming world - Hironobu Takeshita of Mega Man 9 fame is acting as producer, whilst Shu Takumi, the main writer for Ace Attorney, is filling the director\'s shoes.

Looks like the DS could have another hit soon.

( Edited 02.09.2009 01:00 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Can't really tell how it'll turn out at the moment, but it's definitely sounding awesome! Liking the setup (though I'm not the biggest fan of death), sounds like a neat idea!

Capcom usually doesn't dissapoint when it comes to handhelds, so should be a winner!

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