Rune Factory 3 Nintendo DS Screens/Info

By Adam Riley 15.08.2009 3

Rune Factory 3 Nintendo DS Screens/Info on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After recently being announced very quietly via relatively new Japanese publication Marvelous Dream, more details and screenshots of the third DS Harvest Moon RPG spin-off, Rune Factory 3, have been revealed and a final release date given.

First up is news that those who pre-order the game will be treated to a drama CD and special book. The disc will feature a "doki doki" love comedy based around the game's various heroines, whilst the book will include art, illustrations and a comic that tells an original story based in the world of Rune Factory 3. As for the game itself, this time round players take control of a character called Maisu who can transform into a monster. Fans of the first two DS entries, though, will be pleased to know that the monster-raising aspect returns, whereby they can be fed and looked after until they become allies that can provide eggs and fur for use later in the game.

New to this third portable outing are Active Seeds that immediately blossom when planted and prove to be extremely useful in a variety of different ways, such as 'Jack' that sucks up monsters and damages them, 'Haslider' that lets you float across water, and 'Mizubasou' that generates water for use in farming situations when there is no water supply nearby. There are also four female characters included, details of which can be found below (thanks to Andriasang):

A kind girl who took care of you when you were unconscious at the beginning of the game. It's because of her recommendation that you started farming.

A silent girl who works at the city's weapons shop. Why she avoids relating with people is apparently a secret.

A girl who dreams of being a chef like her father and now works at a restaurant in town. Despite her tiny size, she has a huge appetite.

An apprentice witch who also serves as a nurse in town. She dreams of being either a fine doctor or a sorceress like her grandmother. She's childhood friends with Chocola, whom she used as a guinea pig for conducting tests for her magic cures.

Marvelous Entertainment will bring Rune Factory 3 to Japan on 22nd October, 2009. Europe, meanwhile, is still waiting for Rising Star Games to release both Rune Factory 2 on DS and Rune Factory Frontier for Wii.

Box art for Rune Factory 3: A Fantasy Harvest Moon



Rising Star


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

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that's All I have to say

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

Well I enjoyed the first two. I look forward to see what new concepts/features they can bring with the 3rd installment.

arieking (guest) 09.05.2010#3

I love the first 2 games , and i can't wait to see the third

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