Capcom Strengthens Relationship with Nintendo

By Adam Riley 12.08.2009 6

Capcom Strengthens Relationship with Nintendo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following the exclusive Wii version of Monster Hunter, which has sold through more than half a million copies already, it appears Capcom may well be bringing another big name to Wii in the hope of strengthening its relationship with Nintendo. A special Sengoku Basara 2 bundle was brought to Wii last year in Japan, but low orders from retailers, a higher than normal price-point and a PS2 edition led to it failing to set the charts alight. However, Japanese website Nikkei is now stating Capcom is going to attempt to tap into the lucrative Wii market with what many believe will be Sengoku Basara 3.

Capcom, though, has issued the following statement regarding said news:

About certain report on August 12, 2009: Today, there was a certain report about Capcom in certain media.
We will make a necessary public announcement about product information when deemed appropriate.

This awkwardly translated piece basically points out that the initial report is not based on any official Capcom announcement, but does not exactly come straight out and deny SB3 for Wii.

No doubt something will appear in a magazine such as Famitsu in the next day or so and all will be cleared up.

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This is good but I wish the franchises being used to cement the bond weren't so japanescentric. Would like a lost planet type game or that dino planet game, a proper RE game. Something that really uses the IR controls fully

Like Zack and Wiki, you mean? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Like Zack and Wiki, you mean?

I thought that was a gesture based game not an IR game. And a game released 2yrs ago wont build bridges in 09. Usually established big franchises are used as gestures to build bridges not niche adventure games that are new franchise. So no, I didnt mean zack and wiki.

I would much rather see Devil May Cry 5. With Wii Motion Plus. YEAAAAAAH.

gatotsu911 said:
I would much rather see Devil May Cry 5. With Wii Motion Plus. YEAAAAAAH.

Not sure that would work in its original third person set up. The game is too fast paced and needs fast precise control input. Something would have to change. The IR would be good to control dantes acrobatic skills. Simple point and click to move him across walls and pillars

meeto_0 said:
gatotsu911 said:
I would much rather see Devil May Cry 5. With Wii Motion Plus. YEAAAAAAH.

Not sure that would work in its original third person set up. The game is too fast paced and needs fast precise control input. Something would have to change. The IR would be good to control dantes acrobatic skills. Simple point and click to move him across walls and pillars

No, it could control the sword- the player would just need to be really good. This would be a game that turns boys into men.

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