Breaking | Nintendo Conference

By James Temperton 08.10.2003 1

Nintendo to reveal all...
..but what will be shown?

Following much information and miss-information regarding a major new Nintendo product (a major announcement turned out to only be the showing of Donkey Konga rather than the NES5) it would seem that the answer is closer than ever.

Nintendo of Japan have been in contact with SPOnG to hint the existence of a conference to be held sometime next week. Along with several software products it is believed that some new hardware devices will be shown at the event: iQue, GameBoy Advance Wireless Adapter and more being shown!

The company also stated that the 'meetings' to be held in locations dotted across Japan will put on show key Nintendo products for the coming year. Mario 128, or maybe something even more spectacular, or possibly nothing at all. Whatever the outcome C3 will be the first to let you know!

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