Capcom Teases New Tatsunoko Character

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.08.2009 5

Capcom Teases New Tatsunoko Character on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

On the official Capcom boards, a representative has been teasing one of the new Western additions/replacement characters.

Seth Killian, Sr. Manager has seen who the new face is - it could be a chap, chapette or something non-human at all. It's not certain which side it would take either.

"I did get a little taste of a new TvC character just recently and he/she/it (seekrits!) looked GREAT.

In the same post there was something that referenced a previous comment, however some are speculating that it's related to the unknown character, and that it might be Arthur or Barry from the Resident Evil series.

PS - I think if you were to shave the beard, that would technically consistute a biohazard, so makre sure you bring your beard-shavings containment gear, lest you risk getting everything all grody.

Who do you think Capcom are drafting into the localised game?

Box art for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars








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Barry? Really? Wouldn\'t that be just a little WTF? Smilie

I\'d like to think they could choose someone to better represent RE, like Leon or Jill.

( Edited 10.08.2009 00:50 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Barry? Really? Wouldn't that be just a little WTF? Smilie

I'd like to think they could choose someone to better represent RE, like Leon or Jill.

Not even Jill, just have Leon! He's more of an actual fighter anyway.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Well Jill's been in fighting games before, so I definitely wouldn't put her out of the question Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Maybe Chris and Jill? and maybe even Wesker?

Leon please XD
Don't really mind who it is but barry would be pretty funny.

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