SEGA: Conduit the Perfect Opportunity to Have Fun

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.08.2009 2

SEGA: Conduit the Perfect Opportunity to Have Fun on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega have revealed why the company has taken a lot of interest in High Voltage, and why it published Wii-exclusive FPS, The Conduit.

Despite having a strong following from the beginning, High Voltage initially struggled to find a publisher for all their efforts, but fortunately SEGA stepped in and gave the title a chance, but gave the studio the chance to experiment and create the game in their own way.

SEGA is expanding enough to reach all types of people and recognized that there is much potential in the different consoles. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 have a more conventional demographic. In the case of Wii, it's assumed, or it looks like, other publishers are thinking of making more casual games. But SEGA recognizes that there are gamers like all of us. We have a Wii to make use of the controls, SEGA wants to give players an opportunity to have fun with the console and The Conduit was the perfect title.

SEGA product manager German Fritsch

Thanks to Nintendo Everything.

Box art for The Conduit

High Voltage




First Person Shooter



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I thank SEGA for giving us more core titles. It's very difficult to convince publishers, that casual games alone are bollocks on Wii.
And let's face it: With half-heartedly core games publisher don't make hits on Wii at the moment. But that's their own fault - in parts.
The Conduit, not being the mother of all shooters, is a very solid game and a kind of expensive first step for both High Voltage and SEGA. But one, that may be pay off in time. I do hope so.

And with all the core titles SEGA has published like The Conduit, Madworld and more, which all didn't sell like hell, they go a way, which I support and which earns my respect for the once much like ignored company. Ignored because of their mediocrity.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I hope this sells. I dont have enough spare cash to support a title that doesnt look too good to me. But if it sells then we may get more shooter.
Was never into shooters but the remote actually makes them enjoyable. Would love a compilation of the halflife titles or orange box. That would work so wonderfully on wii.

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