Imageepoch Brings Another Luminous Arc to DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.08.2009 4

Imageepoch Brings Another Luminous Arc to DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Imageepoch.has announced another chapter in the Luminous Arc series for DS in this week's Famitsu magazine.

The Japanese weekly confirmed a few details - it's again due exclusively for Nintendo's DS, and dubbed "Eyes". You take the role of a student at the Ulgard Magic Academy, doing battle and interacting with fellow pupils. Expect multiple endings and branching paths for that extra bit of replayability.

Did you enjoy the previous Luminous Arc titles? Are you excited for a third?

Box art for Luminous Arc 3: Eyes








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I'm unexatied about he Third the 1st and 2nd where shit if you ask me

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

I'd really prefer that they develop a new IP... but whatever. I hope there is tangible improvement int the gameplay, though - the first one was playable because there were hardly any other DS SRPGs available at the time, but the second one, while strictly an improvement over the first, came in an era where DS owners were spoiled for choice in the genre, and compared to the more acclaimed offerings was significantly lacking in originality. The new one better have a strong strategic gameplay hook to set it apart from the gazillion other SRPGs on the system and make me consider a purchase.

I actually quite enjoyed the first - managed to hook me whilst away on a training course, stuck in a hotel room on my own...Not played the 2nd as it's not out in Europe until later this year, though, so can't judge on what's changed.

I'm hoping eventually imageepoch will do a Wii Luminous Arc with Mitsuda on the soundtrack Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I enjoyed the first two. Not exactly the best SRPGs but they are solid and good fun.

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