Kingdom Hearts DS Dated in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.08.2009 4

Kingdom Hearts DS Dated in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has confirmed the release date for the DS Kingdom Hearts outing, 358/2 Days - in time for Christmas!

The UK branch said today that Europeans can grab hold of a copy from October 9th 2009 at the usual DS game RRP, bringing the much loved series to handheld Nintendos once again.

The series continues with KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days. Follow Roxas, the "other" hero from KINGDOM HEARTS II, and discover more about his days as a member of the mysterious Organization XIII. What is the connection between Roxas and Sora? Who is the mysterious 14th member and what were the reasons for Roxas' eventual departure from the organization? KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days adds one other exciting and essential component to the fun, being the first KINGDOM HEARTS game to offer a multiplayer mode.

Will you be getting your copy of Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days on launch day?

Box art for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Square Enix


Square Enix


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (23 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Wow, not bad at all! Only a month after the US release, maybe it may not even be worth bothering to import! Smilie

Very good news. Definitely one of my most anticipated games.

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I'll wait for the price to go down. I borrowed an imported copy and after playing on it for a couple of hours, I turned it off and gave it back.

I didn't like the mission based levels and having to go back to the hub world after each mission got quite repetitive. Of course I couldn't understand a word anyone was saying so that might have contributed, but I definately felt that the game lacked a nice flow to it like the main games. The graphics are gorgeous however and look great on the DSi. Smilie

I'll still get it eventually as I adore the Kingdom Hearts World and the story and the multiplayer looks fun. Could have done with less Roxas and the XIII group but I guess their story needed telling. I miss Donald, Sora and Goofy. Smilie

Very good news indeed Smilie

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All I can say is ABOUT TIME.

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