Poll: What do you think about Wii MotionPlus?

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.07.2009 15

Poll: What do you think about Wii MotionPlus? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Wii Sports Resort sailing into European shores this weekend, we've gotten off our bums and whipped up a new poll.

The Wii Motion Plus attachment has been out for some time now, but with Nintendo's follow-up to Wii Sports making its way into homes across Europe and North America from this weekend, we're asking - do you think the technology is an improvement on the regular Wii remote? What games/genres do you think could work with MotionPlus?

Box art for Wii Sports Resort








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I'll be upgrading at some point. There's no denying that it has awesome potential. It makes the Wii remote what we all wanted it to be (and what Nintendo led us to believe it was...). I'm extraordinarily excited for future Wii games that really make use of it.

But for now, I won't be investing too much into the Wii for a while. I'm heading off to University in roughly a month, and I won't be bringing the Wii so any video game money I spend will be for DS games (Scribblenauts and Zelda Spirit Tracks!).

I have been using motion plus since the GST came out. I have put some serious time into that game probably 60+ hours (has been close to a decade since I did that). So I feel qualified to comment.

Makes for a far more complex gaming experience compared to wii tennis. Although thats not a dig I just had a love hate thing with wii tennis.

I have found problems with it: Sometimes the nunchuck input seems to get lost and my character stands still. Or the computer controls me thinking I have unhooked it.

pulling back to swing will be read as a swing more then it use to.

Sometimes its too sensitive for its own good. When I realise a ball is going out I have to be really careful not to move the remote at all or my character will gently hit the ball.

Other problems I have had I think are a reflection on EAs implementation then the peripheral itself. I cant pull of flat shots consistantly even though your suppose to swing parallel to the ground. pulling of slices when im not wanting to.

Direction of volleys is the biggest problem. can be difficult to direct the volley down the line. EA seem to focus more on balls relation to players position more then the angle of the remote

( Edited 26.07.2009 21:01 by meeto_0 )

Its a tremendous improvement to the standard remote. Its a shame the wii couldnt begin its life with this device built in. It gives motion control more integrity and it definately would have caused a handful more games from other devs to be really good. Red steel could have been a cheesy but enjoyable game to play.

Also a shame nintendo dont seem interested at this point to have it built in. The release of the black wii would have been a perfect time to do this.
There reasoning for this seems stupid: All games no matter how small the motion implementation is would benefit purely from a more reliable control. I can only think of baseball games not needing motion plus at all.

I think it definitely has potential and would be a worthy investment at some point - have played a fair bit of Sports Resort, but not the two tennis games (considering GST over VT, may get that sometime this month perhaps!)

Looking forward to it being implemented beyond sports - Red Steel 2 as an example - definitely excited to see if and how it'll be used in adventure games (Zelda!) and possibly as extra puzzles/sections in something like Mario.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I can only think of baseball games not needing motion plus at all.

Baseball could benefit hugely -- delicate spin for curveballs, better reading of swings etc. You're right in saying that just about everything would benefit by its inclusion, and that includes baseball.

Wii Sports baseball was atrocious, so at the least it certainly couldn't hurt.

I haven't tried it yet. I thought I wanted WSR, but apparently I don't. Maybe when I have some more time and less stress on my hands.

I think we need Zelda to show what this thing can really do.

I think it's great, but for some reason even though the successor to the Wii is a long way off, I kind of wonder whether it ever become fully implemented. I think it could end up like N64 expansion pack, utilized by some great games but largely under-used.

I also resent it a bit, what with Nintendo making out like the original would be capable of the stuff WM+ claims to add. It's a real shame it wasn't intergrated straight away.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

What I really wonder is what tech Nintendo will end up with when releasing the Yuu. Will it be even more advanced gyros, or camera tech? Or a combo, like PS3...

Radio triangulation position maybe.
Then you get 1:1 positioning as well as angle.

Or, alternatively, they have a more advance sensor bar that contains a wiimote camera as well as *4* referance points (some vertical).

This lets true 1:1 positioning of angle and position while its faceing the screen, as well as it being a relatively cheap solution to make.

Also, as a bonus, this lets you do Johney-Lee style headtracking with just two cheap IR lights stuck on your head. (headband thingy could be made for a dollar or two and bundled)

I really think 1:1 controlls + headtracked viewpoint would be incredible.

(NOTE: Headtracking dosnt mean the camera angle rotates as your head does, rather in this case it means the camera angle reflects the view youd get from the current position of the screen relative to you....like looking though a real window).

Wii Sports baseball was atrocious, so at the least it certainly couldn\'t hurt.

pish posh!, it was the most skillfull game of the original release, and the closest to having true 1:1 controlls.

It was nice and hard, unlike most of the rest of the games. (Training aside)

I also resent it a bit, what with Nintendo making out like the original would be capable of the stuff WM+ claims to add.

This from everything Ive seen is a utter myth.

The Wiimote never claimed to be 1:1 in all axis\'s, just as the MP is not claiming to be 1:1 in all displacements.
Tech has limitations, Nintendo just showed what it could do, I dont remember then lieing at any stage.
What Nintendo did do, however, was show the wiimote being used at its best. They purhapes didnt anticipate 99% of developers using it just for gesture-mapping.

( Edited 27.07.2009 17:38 by Darkflame )

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Actually baseball was a little lame. pitching was very loose. Either the remote cant interpret speed or the software was constructed poorly because you get very little sense that the power of your throw is even loosely translated.

You had to push on the dpad to get different throw types. Achieving a sense of 1:1 when all you have is a fixed character holding a bat which is basically on a pivot. Well if the remote couldnt pull that of then the wii shouldnt be out.

Nintendo may have had the more successful games using motion. But I feel their titles played it safe. Or if there games showed the limitations of the remote then that may explain why I dont yet have that big world game in my collection that really pushes motion controls.

Baseball was crap because while you had some freedom aiming and moving the bat the actual swing was a gesture generated when you moved fast. Waggle basically.

Motion plus gets rid of that, putting was a fucking pain the original wiisport golf, you had to putt gently but in order for the wiimote to recognise the movement you had use a sharpish motion. In wiisport resort all you have to do is gently tap the ball as you would naturally do in reality and it tracks your movement.

WM+ ends waggle, it isn\'t perfect your not getting true body tracking 1:1 but for what it is it works great.
In the sword game if I want to hit a mii in the head I can.
Hit him on the left side of the face I can.
Aim the sword down and strike upwards, you can do that.
There is no predefined gesture being activated for a certain angle.

( Edited 27.07.2009 19:01 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Canyarion said:
I haven't tried it yet.


I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

It's a really awesome game and the wii motion plus is excellent. I need to get 1 or 2 more motion plus so I can enjoy it even more with my mates, do they actually sell it by itself anywhere?

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I have never used one is it like an extra part to the wii remote?

I also do crack and heroin

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