Radio triangulation position maybe.
Then you get 1:1 positioning as well as angle.
Or, alternatively, they have a more advance sensor bar that contains a wiimote camera as well as *4* referance points (some vertical).
This lets true 1:1 positioning of angle and position while its faceing the screen, as well as it being a relatively cheap solution to make.
Also, as a bonus, this lets you do Johney-Lee style headtracking with just two cheap IR lights stuck on your head. (headband thingy could be made for a dollar or two and bundled)
I really think 1:1 controlls + headtracked viewpoint would be incredible.
(NOTE: Headtracking dosnt mean the camera angle rotates as your head does, rather in this case it means the camera angle reflects the view youd get from the current position of the screen relative to looking though a real window).
Wii Sports baseball was atrocious, so at the least it certainly couldn\'t hurt.
pish posh!, it was the most skillfull game of the original release, and the closest to having true 1:1 controlls.
It was nice and hard, unlike most of the rest of the games. (Training aside)
I also resent it a bit, what with Nintendo making out like the original would be capable of the stuff WM+ claims to add.
This from everything Ive seen is a utter myth.
The Wiimote never claimed to be 1:1 in all axis\'s, just as the MP is not claiming to be 1:1 in all displacements.
Tech has limitations, Nintendo just showed what it could do, I dont remember then lieing at any stage.
What Nintendo did do, however, was show the wiimote being used at its best. They purhapes didnt anticipate 99% of developers using it just for gesture-mapping.
( Edited 27.07.2009 17:38 by Darkflame )