Super Monkey Ball Steps onto Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.07.2009 19

Super Monkey Ball Steps onto Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega has revealed the latest incarnation of Super Monkey Ball - a balance board compatible game dubbed Step & Roll.

The cheeky simian AiAi returns with his friends for more party and puzzle antics, this time letting you move about using the balance-board as a true test of careful precision and timing. Step & Roll is due out in Early 2010.


The latest issue of US Magazine Nintendo Power has spilled the beans on Sega's newest Monkey Ball adventure, and what will come as a relief to many is that Balance Board isn't the sole option, as Tilt Wiimote control remains from Banana Blitz.

Speaking of Banana Blitz, the article confirms that Tilt and Roll runs off an upgraded BB engine, and that some of the Minigames will remain, and a few new ones will enter the fray. Not only that, but the Jumping ability, of which many Monkey Ball traditionalists felt ruined Banana Blitz, has been completely cut, as have the bosses. All four main Monkeys will return.

Somewhat like the previous game, there will be 7 worlds, and 10 stages for each. There is also an unannounced new feature for the game being kept in the dark for now.

Thanks to GoNintendo

Box art for Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll








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I must say I'm very happy about this.

I am not, however, happy with the idea of it being Balance Board only, because if so I will not buy.

SEGA should know that they have to make other control options to broaden the audience.

( Edited 24.01.2013 00:36 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

best not be balance board only Smilie

( Edited 24.01.2013 00:36 by Guest )

If it's balance board only, then I won't be getting it.

( Edited 24.01.2013 00:36 by Guest )

First thought: this can't be sold at full price.

Second thought: multiple control choices a must.

Third thought: I want a sandwich.

( Edited 24.01.2013 00:36 by Guest )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

It's about time some dedicated Balance Board games came out, there are so few.
Would be stupid for them to alienate the audience that don't have a BB though, I doubt they will.

We need a Wiimote and a nunchuck option. If the rest is good, I'll probably get the game.

And TheStratMan, why not at full price?

Canyarion said:
We need a Wiimote and a nunchuck option. If the rest is good, I\'ll probably get the game.

And TheStratMan, why not at full price?

There\'s only so many ways monkeys in balls can be different. The Wii has already had one version which wasn\'t very successful thanks to crummy controls and lack of new content, the GCN/PS2 version is still probably the best because of its simple yet effective controls - lots of people will probably pass this up a £40 game on these facts alone. Especially if its balance board only - it would be a stupid move to go full price. And lets face it, no one is really going to look at this and buy a balance board for the sake of this game alone. If your already targeting a smaller market (those with the BB) the difference between £40 and £20 could be the difference between whether this game rots on shelves like the previous Wii edition or whether its a big hit.

I\'d only buy it at full price if it was REALLY the best of the series, had loads of new content and ideas that shakes things up, had multiple control choices (pad, wii mote, balance board) and an extensive online mode. Is that going to happen? Probably not. What we will probably get is exactly the same game as the previous Wii edition which I picked up for a fiver two weeks ago, just balance board only.

( Edited 21.07.2009 21:53 by TheStratMan )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Wasn't there already a Monkey Ball Wii game using the Wiimote? What would be the point of another?

I say focus on making it balance board only. There are more balance boards than there are PS3s, so it's not like the audience is small. This would be a great game to introduce new gamers to "somewhat traditional" games.

There were 3 Monkey Ball games using the GC controller, and 2 of those were the best so far.

I wouldn't make any objections to another Wiimote game as long as it's faster than Banana Blitz.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I hope they don't do another 40shitty mini game thing, i'd take 4 good mini games than the shit that was in banana blitz.

Wasn't there already a Monkey Ball Wii game using the Wiimote? What would be the point of another?

Thats the problem, it was wiimote only and thats what ruined it, this game needs analogue stick support.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Since the trademark appeared this has been really obvious...Glad it's finally been confirmed now. All we need now is the belated 'WarioWare: Balance!'

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Only the first two Super Monkey Ball games were amazing, and it's been going downhill since then. I'm not holding my breath for this one.

The new tidbits make me much more excited for the game. I didn't mind the jumping at all, but I can't say it's "bad" news that it's gone. It is however good news that the rubbish bosses are gone.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Give control stick option!!

After playing that mini game in twilight princess, I'd thought the wii remote would have been ok.

the above thoughts are great and i never seen this type of photographs so thanks


( Edited 23.07.2009 13:32 by SuperLink )


All we need now is the belated \'WarioWare: Balance!\'

When that comes out I\'ll be motivated to buy a balance board.

( Edited 23.07.2009 16:38 by trgdr777 )

TheStratMan, Super Monkey Ball 2 sold only 100 k more than Banana Blitz. Have no idea where you got your info on Banana Blitz rotting on the shelves lol. I am excited, hope it's going to be fun.

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