Hudson Considering Retail Onslaught?

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.07.2009 3

Hudson Considering Retail Onslaught? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After trying out first person shooter Onslaught on WiiWare, it seems Hudson is considering crafting a sequel for the retail market.

The multiplayer co-op shooter was released back in February, seeing an interstellar strike force tackle a bunch of aliens online. It received fairly mixed reviews across the board, averaging out at around the 7/10 mark, and not it might be heading into a fully-blown game (not that WiiWare games aren't!).

...the title has gained growing popularity now, we would like to consider positively about the sequel, as well as the disc release for a full blown adventure.

Be sure to read the full interview over at Wii Love It.

Would you like to see a full version of Onslaught on Wii? What do you think of the original?

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The original was amusing, but shallow. What I did like about it was the cheesy voice acting and the arcade-style game structure (how many other FPSs have you shooting for high scores?). If they do make a full retail version they need to tighten up the controls, vastly increase the enemy and weapon variety, significantly improve enemy and allied AI, massively upgrade level designs, compose better music, have real cutscenes instead of dull text scrolls, and HAVE AN ACTUAL DEATHMATCH MODE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. In short, they're going to need to give the game a momentuous makeover if it's going to be a viable retail release.

I bought the Wii Ware version and thought it was a bit rubbish. The single player game was boring and repetative. The controls weren't good enough for me to even bother with multiplayer. They'd have to completely change it to make it something I'd buy at retail.

I hate when people judge multiplayer games by the single player. Not saying that this game isn't rubbish, but too many people criticize games like Metroid Prime Hunters, Mario Kart, or Wii Play for the single player aspects.

Just as judging Metroid Prime 2 based off its shoddy multiplayer tack on is missing the point, judging multiplayer games from the tacked on single player is wrong too.

Many games have great single and multi-player, but, despite common perception, not every game has to have a good single player.

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