Update - Some new screenshots from Japanese website Dengeki have now been added to the media folder below, showing off some of the characters in the game, as well as the battle settings, as well as some artwork for the highly anticipated RPG.
Original Story - Some new details from Bandai Namco's upcoming Wii title 'Tales of Graces' have been revealed. Thanks to Rpgmonkey of NeoGAF, the following translated details about the next main entry into the popular RPG series have provided. One of the characters is called Cheria Barnes, who has Throwing Knife Artes and Holy Magic moves in her repertoire. As for the male character shown off, his name is Hubert Ozwell, and he has blue hair (a very important point, obviously...). In his arsenal are the following moves: Double-Blade Artes and Twin Gun Spells.
There are also to be Hissatsuwaza / Special Moves thrown in, which are thought to be similar to Burst Artes, except far more impressive in style. Instead of using 'TP' as usual, a 'Chain Capacity' (CC) system will be employed, something that was introduced in the Tales of Destiny remake. It is a technique reminiscent of the Overlimit in Vesperia whereby players can link attacks together, except there are limitations in the form of a stamina bar that runs down when a specific number of moves are pulled off in a row. For instance, minor moves such as moving backwards a step or jumping whilst in the air will only use 1CC, whilst more powerful moves will drain far more CC, with the gauge only starting to refill by keeping your character stationary for a short time. It is hoped that this will prove to be one of the most user-friendly systems found in any Tales game.
Are Tales fans getting excited about this new Wii game yet, or is more convincing still required?