Level-5 to Reveal 3 New Projects

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.07.2009 4

Level-5 to Reveal 3 New Projects on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Level-5, of Professor Layton, Inazuma Eleven, and Dragon Quest IX fame, will be revealing 3 new games next month.

The Fukuoka-based studio will be holding an event in August, Vision 2009, where alongside Professor Layton and Another World, there'll be 3 new projects to show off.

The full line-up includes:

  • Ni no Kuni: The Another World (DS)
  • Professor Layton and the Devil's Flute (DS)
  • Professor Layton and the Eternal Songstress (Movie)
  • Inazuma Eleven 2 (DS)
  • ROID
  • Danboru Senki (PSP)
  • Thanks to NeoGAF.

    Vision 2009 will be taking place on 25th August.

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    Awesome news, they already have alot in development though, I just wished some of there older titles would hurry up, bring on the Layton series and white Knight and hopefully an inazuma eleven release

    edit: Maybe Dragon Quest X for wii will be one title :O

    ( Edited 17.07.2009 04:12 by vivisapprentice )

    Level 5 + Ghibli is the most insanely must-buy combination for me possible Smilie

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    Maybe these are related to the "unannounced projects" that Yasunori Mitsuda said he was working on for "Wii, DS, and PS3?"

    Also, am I the only one who can't keep Level-5 and Factor-5 straight??

    Anything new new from Level 5 piques my interest, so i'm all for new titles

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