Canyarion said:
It looks like you can finally turn off the glow. But I'm still not interested. I never watched the Turtles and I think the game looks boring.
Being able to toggle the player indicator glow makes me feel a little better about the game. Although seeing the premiere trailer got my hopes for something that now seems a bit too much like SSB. So I'm glued on the fence with this title.
Wolvesgod said:
I wonder if they will add any Nintendo characters since it was SSB that even inspired the game, and for like a little easter egg even too that has Mario walking by will be awesome. But with character related to TMNT what about that one sports guy??? what was his name??? and maybe some old creature enemies from the cartton like the pizza monsters.
The extra characters I want in this game are Casey Jones, Krang, Bebop, and Rocksteady.
I wouldn't like seeing Mario in this game I think it should be strictly for the TMNT universe. There's already the fact the gameplay highly resembles SSB since some from that team have helped developed the game. If they put in Mario the question "Why not just play Brawl" seems to make it's self more noticeable IMO. I'm kinda thinking that now, but maybe there will be something that's quite different from Brawl other than the TMNT characters and not tripping(which I can only hope, since I haven't seen it in any of the gameplay yet)