WiiWare Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Confirmed

By Adam Riley 15.07.2009 3

WiiWare Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Confirmed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest issue of Famitsu magazine has revealed that the rumoured versions of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon for WiiWare are actually real. Whilst some were sceptical about the rumour that appeared last month, the Japanese publication has now confirmed that Chunsoft will once more be teaming up with Nintendo and The Pokemon Company to bring three new Pocket Monster-themed dungeon crawlers to the Wii's download service, WiiWare, with the titles being:

  • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Keep Going! Blazing Adventure Squad,
  • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Let's Go! Stormy Adventure Squad,
  • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Go For It! Light Adventure Squad.
Each version will cost 1,200 Nintendo Points and they are all set to launch on 4th August. No doubt they will eventually head Westwards, but nothing has been confirmed.

In addition to this, Famitsu states that EA will launch Dead Space Extraction for Wii on 1st October in Japan.

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There's screens of it on Serebii now. I'm afraid our worst fears have been realised. It looks like Ranch/Scramble... AKA shit. Smilie

Woulda been nice to have some high quality sprites on Wiiware, but instead the very worst quality 3D models...

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SuperLink said:
There's screens of it on Serebii now. I'm afraid our worst fears have been realised. It looks like Ranch/Scramble... AKA shit. Smilie

Woulda been nice to have some high quality sprites on Wiiware, but instead the very worst quality 3D models...

Wow really? That's so gay of them... Smilie

Ugh, this isn't what I thought they would do with 3d models of pokemon.

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