Konami Announces Walking Simulator

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.07.2009 12

Konami Announces Walking Simulator on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ever wanted to go outside in the lovely sunshine for a good ol' walk about? Too tired, too lazy? Konami has the solution: Let's Walk it Out.

The brains behind Dance Dance Revolution want to slow down the pace a little with a new walking simulation that uses the dance mat or balance board to you simulate walking outdoors from the comfort of your own living room. There'll be over 100 songs to accompany the action and give some rhythm and structure to your movement. Those without mats or boards can use the wii remote/nunchuck as well.

Image for Konami Announces Walking Simulator

Thanks to Kotaku.

Box art for Walk It Out!








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No. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 
Guest 10.07.2009#2

Could be good if you live in a township in South Africa I guess.

Now if only they'd make a bathroom simulator so I would never have to get up from the couch ever again.

What's next? A masturbation simulator?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
What's next? A masturbation simulator?

I know a good peripheral for that one!

erv said:
jb said:
What's next? A masturbation simulator?

I know a good peripheral for that one!

Maybe the vitality sensor is useful after all..

You know what would be good, a GTA simulator on the Wii.


It'll make everyone fit trying to run round town gunning down hoes while jogging on the spot in the comfort of there own living rooms. With a dance mat, or a nunchuck in there pocket.

You can simulate driving with a balance board for the pedals, and the Wii remote for the steering wheel.

It'll be a game that has depth and is actually hardcore and has difficulty.

Note: some of the stuff I just said may or may not have made sense. Parental guidence may be necessary to play this game, and the user may need a mental analisys before playing. See in store for details.

I think konami have gone too far with a walking simulator. It surely can't appeal to many people.

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I can actualy think of ways this could be good, but probably wont be.
If I was designing this, for example I would;
a) Have areas where you have to speed up to avoid something, or to save someone in front of you.

b) Occasionally and at random have spectacular scenery which you could snap with your cellphone, introduce slight pokemon-snap elements. Obviously you deliberately slow down at these bits.

c) Make sure the citys/areas you walk though are packed with life. Pysdo-random people, some doing humourous things.

d) Checklist of things to find.

e) Different routes, going backwards and forwards.

f) Occasionally someone appears you have to hide from. (duck to one-side, behind a tree etc)

g) Random weather to make environments more diverse.

h) Have some sort of silly mission-mode which takes you though a series of "walking challenges" for various people. Think Elite-Beat-Agents style silliness here.

i) Rythem challanges, where you gota walk fast/slow according to the beat of the music.

and umm..


Ok, actualy this is a really tough game concept to make interesting.

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Fantastic title if you live in a war zone!

Or either if you're on a wheelchair and...
No actually scratch that last one.

That's embarassing really. Smilie

i have seen the trailer for thus game and the way she talks about the game makes it sounds rubbish even without knowing what it is.

why would anyone want to simulate walking to get exercise?

i think wii jog on Wii fit would be better.

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Hold on a minuit.....


Only way I can see this being useful is if you combine it with Heart Gold & Soul Silver's Pedometer, and you like flushing money down the bog.

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