Unconfirmed Date + Price for Wii Fit Plus, Tingle in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.07.2009 5

Unconfirmed Date + Price for Wii Fit Plus, Tingle in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Various unconfirmed dates for Wii games over in Japan have filtered onto the net, including Forever Blue 2, Tingle and Wii Fit Plus.

The expansion/sequel to Nintendo's exercise software, Wii Fit Plus, also came with its price tag: 2,000 Yen ($21 USD) - fortunately it seems it won't be priced as high as a regular Wii title.

  • Color Changing Tingle's Love Balloon Trip - August 6
  • Forever Blue 2: The Call of the Sea - September 17
    Sloan and MacHale's Mysterious Story 2 - September 3
  • Inazuma Eleven 2: The Miracle of the Invader - October 1
  • Wii Fit Plus - October 1
  • Thanks to Rambling Man, via Kotaku.

    Box art for Wii Fit Plus








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    Wii Fit Plus is cheaper? Good move (if true) Nintendo, if only they\'d done that with Wii Music.

    ( Edited 09.07.2009 12:22 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    lol wii music, seems more like a toy then an actual game to me >.>
    Anyways my family will be happy to know that it is cheaper then wii fit, if it's true anyways.

    Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
    3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

    Wii Fit Plus without the Balance Board has been given pre-order price of £29.99 on Play.com. Hopefully that price comes down to at LEAST £20 before launch.

    Hopefully, they will still have a version of Wii Fit Plus with the Balance Board. I might buy it then.

    Robertd1138 said:
    Hopefully, they will still have a version of Wii Fit Plus with the Balance Board. I might buy it then.

    There will be a bundled version at the same price as the current game.

    ( Edited 09.07.2009 22:45 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

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