Professor Layton Hints at Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.07.2009 22

Professor Layton Hints at Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's official Twitter page to promote the upcoming releases for Professor Layton has posted up some odd hints about Smash Bros.

Out of the blue the page was updated with a tidbit on the Professor's invitation to enter some form of Smash Bros. tournament.

I received an invitation this morning to something called the "Grand Smash Brothers Tournament". Does anyone know anything about it?

Several Tweets later, he arrives "back" safe and sound, claiming he's met and had to fight Mega Man, Geno and Little Mac.

This is nothing like what I expected! I was told to FIGHT a blue robot boy, a possessed doll, and a tiny boxer! I'm leaving at once!

A random bit of hype to get fans to visit the page, or something substantial for a new Smash Bros. game?

Thanks to C3 reader, gatotsu911.

Box art for Professor Layton and Pandora's Box








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,, This,, is,, so,, sadistic,, Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Those are the top 3(Waluigi coming in 4th) characters that I wanted playable in BrawlSmilie

If this is just a joke no biggy, but if it\'s some solid info on what to expect from the next fighter I\'ll scream like a little girl at a boy band concertSmilie


@TopHatProfessor You should\'ve used your wit to make them stop fighting! You\'d have been a hero.

I could\'ve used my wit to be a hero @mattmagician? No. A gentleman never starts a fight nor do they attack unprovoked. It\'s uncivilized.

@TopHatProfessor Oh! Professor! I meant to ask you about the \"Grand Smash Tournament\" this morning over tea. What was that all about?

Well @ApprenticeLuke, it was a barbaric tournament of strength that I should like no part in. No intellect was needed in order to compete.

all of that leads me to believe(if it\'s true) that the Professor is going to be an assist trophy in the next Smash Bros. Or this all could be a great scheme to get more viewers of his Twitter page, either way I find it quite interesting.

( Edited 04.07.2009 11:48 by J Tangle )

Maybe it was a fight to see who would get into the next SmashBros? Smilie I think it was just a joke though.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Maybe but it would be quite cool if they actually made another smash bros with those characters in it.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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How about this being DLC content and perhaps a SB channel like the Mario Kart one? Online tournaments and these characters available to download Smilie That would be sweet!

Andrezao said:
How about this being DLC content and perhaps a SB channel like the Mario Kart one? Online tournaments and these characters available to download Smilie That would be sweet!

But do you honestly believe that'll ever happen? Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Andrezao said:
How about this being DLC content and perhaps a SB channel like the Mario Kart one? Online tournaments and these characters available to download Smilie That would be sweet!


If only...

You know, I'm surprised that someone as refined and old-fashioned as Professor Layton even has a twitter page, let alone a cell phone.

Professor Layton did say this on his Twitter:

"We had a wonderful discussion over supper about people reading too much into
things. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.

It's to do with that Neogaf 'Things you'd like to see in Smash 4' topic, it isn't hinting at anything official. Smilie

I love Twitter :]
I've been following the Professor and Luke for a while.
His riddles still boggle me there. ;__;
*Is stupid*

The most obvious prank in all of prankdom!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I know this is probably just a dirty tease, but somewhere in my heart, I continue to hope...


Smash Bros. DS? Eh? Eh? Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Meh, probably some advertizing for Smash Bros. I don't see a new SSB coming out in the next couple of years.

I think it was just a nod at SSB Smilie

it would be neat to see geno in smash bros but i really think rayman would be a better brawler than little mac.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperLink said:
Andrezao said:
How about this being DLC content and perhaps a SB channel like the Mario Kart one? Online tournaments and these characters available to download Smilie That would be sweet!

But do you honestly believe that'll ever happen? Smilie

Aye, it happened with Mario Kart... So it would be nothing new, but no, I don't think it'll happen.

mOojc said:
Andrezao said:
How about this being DLC content and perhaps a SB channel like the Mario Kart one? Online tournaments and these characters available to download Smilie That would be sweet!


If only...

LET ME DREAM!!!! I love my Colourful candy world! But cool idea no?

Andrezao said:
Aye, it happened with Mario Kart... So it would be nothing new, but no, I don't think it'll happen.

Happening with Mario Kart doesn't really solve anything either, as Mario Kart was made with that kind of online content in mind, whereas Smash Bros wasn't.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah, The Wii can do DLC, Smash just didn't come with an interface to support it.

1412Detective (guest) 26.05.2010#21

Well, he might be on there, which I hope, due to he is one of my favorite game char and the fact he is a master fencer. Besides, he said he left immidietly, so it might just be the blue robot, Megaman, and the blue Doll, Geno. But, I do hope he will return to the Grand Smash tournament. I'd love to help him with my gaming knowledge through the tournament.

Zeno Denotation (guest) 29.06.2010#22

Well, for those whom think Layton wouldn't be quite the fighter, I would love for you to refer to his second game, for his swordsmanship skills with a rapier are close to unmatched. Plus his whit and ability to solve problems can come in handy during combat. Plus, if he had a final smash, his "Solving puzzle" form would be a very fitting bit for that attack. Anyway, I agree that though Layton may not be prepared, he will be great for the part.

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