Nomura: Kingdom Hearts Might Head to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.06.2009 16

Nomura: Kingdom Hearts Might Head to Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Kingdom Hearts creator Tetsuya Nomura might consider a Wii edition of Kingdom Hearts once he's finished work on current projects.

According to the latest issue of Nintendo Power, one of the reasons Square Enix has produced a part of the Kingdom Hearts story on DS is down to Nintendo. The DS's father approached the RPG giant and had proposed a portable game, and voila, we have the much anticipated 358/2 Days on the way. He also explained the significance of 358/2 Days - it's the passing of 358 days of 2 different people, though Nomura wanted fans to imagine its meaning in different ways.

The next chapter in the now growing series is said to not be restricted to Kingdom Hearts 3, that said, "it won't be a side story, but an authentic addition."
With that in mind, with a little fan and Nintendo persuasion could we see the first Nintendo home-console Kingdom Hearts? Here's hoping!

Thanks to Heart Station.

Box art for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Square Enix


Square Enix


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Of course he'll say that, but maybe Nomura is being less of a fanboy? xD I'd love to see a KH game on Wii anyway, whether it's a side game or not, they're all as fantastic as each other anyway.

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Smiliei keep have to get ppl hope down but no way Tetsuya Nomura will do it only on wii

anyway he busy with KH psp and ffv13

( Edited 29.06.2009 20:35 by Jump_button )

Nomura doesn't get the final say. If Square want it on Wii, it'll be on Wii. Here's hoping! Smilie

(kinda off-topic but I recently played the Japanese version of 358/2 days and found it very boring. I didn't play too much of it but it was like 'do a million repetitive missions in twilight town' then 'do a million repetitive missions in Agrabah'. Maybe it'll be better once I play it in english and can actually understand them and hopefully the level structure improves later in the game.)

Thats nice. I would love to have a KH wii title. I hope I don\'t get into it too much and start hurting people with my wii mote.

Keyblade,.... will be an essential part of the game, it being apart of the wiimote function.

What I think they should do is with the nun chuck is make it like a shield or something.

But I don\'t want to get my hopes up if they aren\'t going to release it on the wii

( Edited 29.06.2009 20:56 by Teetrab )

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
Nomura doesn't get the final say. If Square want it on Wii, it'll be on Wii. Here's hoping! Smilie

(kinda off-topic but I recently played the Japanese version of 358/2 days and found it very boring. I didn't play too much of it but it was like 'do a million repetitive missions in twilight town' then 'do a million repetitive missions in Agrabah'. Maybe it'll be better once I play it in english and can actually understand them and hopefully the level structure improves later in the game.)

Smilie FFv 13 says hi

Jump_button said:
Smilie FFv 13 says hi

They could always get the CoM or 358/2 Days devs on it.

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wAyNe - sTaRT said:
Nomura doesn't get the final say. If Square want it on Wii, it'll be on Wii.

More like 'If Disney wants it on the system with the youngest demographic we'll see it on Wii'. It's not Square Enix's call alone...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

didn't nintendo announce an exclusive KH game to the Wii?

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Does anyone else thinks the robes these guys are wearing are sort of like the Soul Reapers uniforms in Bleach?Smilie

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

Would be awesome to have a kingdom hearts game on the wii.

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jesusraz said:
More like 'If Disney wants it on the system with the youngest demographic we'll see it on Wii'. It's not Square Enix's call alone...

Forgot about Disney. Smilie A game with Disney characters could do really well on Wii.

Jump_button said:
Smilie FFv 13 says hi

FFv13 is just a side project.

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
jesusraz said:
More like 'If Disney wants it on the system with the youngest demographic we'll see it on Wii'. It's not Square Enix's call alone...

Forgot about Disney. Smilie A game with Disney characters could do really well on Wii.

Jump_button said:
Smilie FFv 13 says hi

FFv13 is just a side project.

oh you so fucking didt just call FFv 13 a side project, Its like a KH but with out all the Disney shit

it being made my SE them self that like calling a new FFT game a side project

Jump_button said:
oh you so fucking didt just call FFv 13 a side project, Its like a KH but with out all the Disney shit

it being made my SE them self that like calling a new FFT game a side project

Kingdom Hearts would be no where near as good without the Disney side to it so that\'s no good way to defend FFv13. Smilie

FFv13 is like Chain of Memories or 358/2 days or Crisis Core, it\'ll still be a good game but won\'t be as good as the main numbered series. (could be I guess, but the odds are against it. Smilie)

Anyway, KH3 on Wii is very possible seeing as how Disney seems a perfect fit for the Wii.

( Edited 30.06.2009 19:21 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

Jump_button said:
oh you so fucking didt just call FFv 13 a side project

Versus XIII isn't a mainseries FF title... what other reason does it need to be called a side project? Seems about right to me anyway.

That's not to say a side-game can't be better than a mainseries title, but no need to react like that.

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If this is true then I'm gonna go freaken crazy because I've been always waiting for a new Kingdom Hearts on a new and different home console and they picked the best console. I'm gonna buy the Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days on DS because it looks like a very interesting story and game, and hopefully that will be on the new Wii eddition if there even is gonna be anyways

I really hope so, Nintendo\'s been lacking a great rpgs from Square-Enix since losing FF to Sony since like what, the SNES days.

At least Kingdom Hearts adds some RPG power to the Wii, if it does get released on Wii.

Crossing my fingers....(i wanna see Golden Sun Wii as well man!!!!!!! OMG I LOVE THAT GAME)

( Edited 02.07.2009 15:31 by Nin1Od0 )

-make it count- Hey if you wanna play Wii Games with me, check out my game portion of my profile and pm me if you wanna add me so I can add you!

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