Hudson Bring 3 to Nintendo Download Services

By Shane Jury 26.06.2009 3

Hudson Bring 3 to Nintendo Download Services on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A mighty 5 Download choices for WiiWare, Virtual Console and DSiWare this week, including the most non-violent FPS ever.

Just in time for the warmest months of the year, Hudson's Water Warfare, built on Onslaught's engine, offers a more family friendly take on the FPS genre. Up to 8 players online, seven different Water Guns to master, and 38 scenarios to beat in the included Mission mode means a lot of use out of this one, at a 800 point price.

The third remake in the Bobble Bubble series, Taito's Puzzle Bobble Plus, also known as part of the Bust-a-Move series, involves players catapulting coloured balls into groups of 4 to make them vanish. Also 800 points.

On Virtual Console there is SimEarth: The Living Earth from Maxis and Hudson. Reported as being one of the most in-depth and complex Sim games on the market, this is the Turbografx version, regarded as the best possible VC release. Yet again, 800 points for those of you interested in creating a prehistoric ecosystem.

Joining SimEarth is a surprise showing from the Arcade version of Altered Beast from Sega. Superior to the Mega Drive version, although still the same mindless game at its core, this Virtual Console Arcade release will set you back a rather cheeky 900 points.

Hudson deliver on the one sole release for DSiWare this week, in the form of Sudoku 50! For Beginners. 50 Puzzles for Sudoku enthusiasts, at a bargain basement 200 points.

Any games here on your consideration list?

Box art for Water Warfare








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Icarian also has an update if you want to change it to NyxQuest.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Five games but nothing I'm interested in >.>
Maybe I should get smash 64 today.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I remember when Super Soakers (here in America) were so awesomely powerful that kids were getting sent to the hospital because of them. Now they barely shoot at all, and that's with major pumping required.
There are obvious parallels to be made here, but I won't be the one to make them.

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