Capcom Announces Mega Man Crossover

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.06.2009 7

Capcom Announces Mega Man Crossover on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mega Man spin-offs Star Force and Battle Network collide in a new DS project from Capcom, announced recently in Japan.

Capcom recently mentioned the crossover project during a conference, revealing just snippets of art and a bloke parading about as the blue bomber himself.

Image for Capcom Announces Mega Man Crossover
Image for Capcom Announces Mega Man Crossover

More information will come around August 2009 time.

In the meantime, what do you think of the crossover? Are you a fan of either franchise?

Box art for Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace





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Fuck yes!
This was slightly hinted between the starforce games but YUS!!!!!!
Epic win capcom, now don't screw it up Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

SmilieThat title made me excited, then I see it's a DS game and not only that, but it consists of Battle NetworkSmilie

I want a new Mega Man on Wii and preferably Mega Man Legends or a 2D Mega Man X. Hell I would even take a Mega Man ZeroSmilie

J Tangle said:
SmilieThat title made me excited, then I see it's a DS game and not only that, but it consists of Battle NetworkSmilie

I want a new Mega Man on Wii and preferably Mega Man Legends or a 2D Mega Man X. Hell I would even take a Mega Man ZeroSmilie

A 2D Mega Man X for Wii would certainly rank high on my list of games to buy. Get to work, Capcom.

I would post about how much I'd rather have a Legends 3 or Tron Bonne 2 but I won't. T-T

Also, don't both Star Force and Battle Network play the same except that Star Force is in 3-D? So what's up with the crossover?Smilie

Hmmm found out some info that might be true, apparently it is going to be a remake of megaman battle network 1 with gameplay and controls of starforce.
Dunno whether I\'m excited or dissapointed >.>


( Edited 23.06.2009 22:35 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I will have to look more into this to see if it worth getting. I do liike MegaMan games so I might get this.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I liked the Battle Network games a lot for some reason.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

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