GTA Chinatown Wars Loses DS Exclusivity

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.06.2009 14

GTA Chinatown Wars Loses DS Exclusivity on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rockstar's take on the Grand Theft Auto franchise will be making its way to Sony's PSP and PSP Go later this year.

According to Gamespot, despite the game's exceptional reception with the gaming press and DS fans, the title has underperformed at retail.

The PSP edition will come on a standard UMD as well as a download option for future PSP Go players - it will boast improved graphics and animation, whilst keeping the game's plot and protagonist Huang Lee.

What do you think of the move, GTA fans?

Box art for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

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No longer an exclusive? Damn.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Hard to blame them too much, if DS fans won't buy it, you have to make your money somewhere. I think they may be panicking a bit soon though, DS titles aren't like others. GTA Chinatown Wars should have strong legs.

I doubt it'll sell well on the PSP though -- I imagine its top down viewpoint will be considered unacceptable by PSP fans. I wonder how they'll handle the touch screen elements, reviewers liked them quite a bit.

Dont blame them. A good quality game deserves to sell. Same with RE4 on cube.

Gee, thanks a lot Rockstar.

meeto_0 said:
Dont blame them. A good quality game deserves to sell. Same with RE4 on cube.

Difference being; Re4 did sale on the cube.
GTA hasnt done well in comparison. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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It has sold well on the DS, it just hasn\'t sold as fast/well as previous GTA games.

Bear in mind that video is 2 months old now, so it would have sold more. For those unaware, it\'s Jools Watsham from Renegade Kid.

People seem to think a game has to sell over a million, otherwise it hasn\'t sold well. I\'m sure Chinatown Wars will over a period of time, but it\'s not sold badly.

( Edited 22.06.2009 21:51 by Marzy )

Hmm, it's a bit of a pain this news, because I just found out about the deal on where Chinatown Wars on DS is £9.99. So I bought it right away. And now this news that it will be coming to PSP with more features? Bummer.


I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Im glad i love the PSP. I'm happy either way.

I love both my PSP and DS, however this is a bit of a kick in the shins to Nintendo fans promised an exclusive, when an almost fully superior version will be coming out later in the same year on another platform.

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The game won't be the same without the touch screen stuff.

I'm guessing that a lot of the people that bought the first two PSP gta games will buy this expecting the same 3Dness of the others and be disappointed to find out it's over head etc.

this is interesting in that, they actually think of making money on a weak platform....

nuff said

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It has sold over 500,000 worldwide. And Rockstar is just to used to have their games sell 1,000,000 within a month or two from launch to have the patience needed for sales of a DS game.

Chinatown Wars on DS will sell over 1,000,000 by december 31st, 2009.

Let\'s see how much they can sell on PSP.

I for one couldn\'t care less about GTA and haven\'t bought a game of said franchise on PS2, PS3 or DS... so that won\'t change with a PSP version.

( Edited 23.06.2009 18:18 by EdEN )

Makes sense. The PSP versions of the other games sold 9 million combined

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