E309 | Nintendo, Team Ninja on Metroid: Other M

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2009 7

E309 | Nintendo, Team Ninja on Metroid: Other M on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's Yoshio Sakamoto and Yousuke Hayashi from Team Ninja recently answered questions on forthcoming Metroid game, Other M.

Speaking to Game|Life at E3, the pair discuss the Nintendo and Team Ninja collaboration, what styles and ideas the new team might introduce into this project, and hopes for another Metroid title from Retro Studios, as well as Sakamoto himself.

  • Around 100 people in total are teaming up to work on the new Metroid.
  • Also working with a studio called D-Rockets, who is producing the cinematics.
  • Trying to focus more on Samus's human side, bring out a story and aspects of her past.
  • Sakamoto wasn't involved in the Metroid Prime series, but he feels Retro has created the "ultimate first person adventure" game.
  • If Retro comes up with ideas for a sequel to the Prime trilogy, Sakamoto is all for it.
  • Goal isn't to make a "Team Ninja version" of Metroid - the pair hope it'll be a "game for everyone".
  • On shifting hardware from Xbox 360 to Wii (Team Ninja): "Given that my understanding of the Metroid universe is being this beautiful experience — my responsibility is to stay true to that."

    Hints on a possible additional Metroid game in the works:

    Wired.com: Have you been making games on Wario Ware: DIY?

    Sakamoto: I created one that's been distributed.

    Wired.com: Oh, right, I downloaded it! It's a Metroid game. So it's not true, then, you can in fact make two Metroid games at once.

    Sakamoto: (laughs) I guess I have to be careful how I answer that question.

    Thanks to C3 reader Robertd1138.

  • Box art for Metroid: Other M

    Team Ninja







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    "game for everyone".
    oh god I'm allergic to those words....if metroid goes casual.... ;_;

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Heheh, me too xD
    I guess they're just trying to sound nice. They don't want to alienate anyone by giving it Ninja Gaiden difficulty Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Lol true that - NG games do get pretty tough/hardcore at times. Would be good to see how they get the FO elements thrown in to the classic setup.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Don't worry, Team Ninja won't be making an easy game anytime soon. That's the great thing about Metroid games, even the easiest of Metroids is harder than most games.

    Yeah but there not unfair hard, like most of ninja gaiden games, you rarly get those hair pull out bullshit moments in metroid games.

    ^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

    I got mentioned. w00t!! lol

    ( Edited 19.06.2009 17:45 by Robertd1138 )

    We're thinking Metroid Dread, right?

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