E309 Media | Miyamoto Talks Mario, Game Design - Video Interview

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2009 8

E309 Media | Miyamoto Talks Mario, Game Design - Video Interview on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During E3 Nintendo's most famous designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, discussed his involvement in Mario and keeping games fresh.

The industry veteran spoke to G4 on how he and the various teams at Nintendo go about bringing new ideas and mechanics into each of the Mario and Zelda games, as well as new IPs and franchises. Miyamoto also discusses his hopes for the future of Nintendo, and what the Kyoto giant can contribute to gaming in the future.

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The affection from the reporter was almost tangible. He clearly almost creamed all over Shigsy's face. Not that I also wouldn't have the uncontrollable urge to at least hug Shigeru Miyamoto myself.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Good stuff - he sure is a cheerful chap.

Slydevil said:
The affection from the reporter was almost tangible. He clearly almost creamed all over Shigsy's face. Not that I also wouldn't have the uncontrollable urge to at least hug Shigeru Miyamoto myself.

LOL! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Slydevil said:
The affection from the reporter was almost tangible. He clearly almost creamed all over Shigsy's face. Not that I also wouldn't have the uncontrollable urge to at least hug Shigeru Miyamoto myself.

Yeah Miyamoto is just one of those people that you have to hugSmilie

I'm glad they didn't use Adam because he would just explode with excitement leaving his entrails everywhere, yet Miyamoto still would be smilingSmilie. And if they used Morgan for that interview her chin would've crushed him causing massive riots of Ninty Fanboys everywhereSmilie

I WANT THAT DAMN SHIRT MIYAMOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

Slydevil said:
The affection from the reporter was almost tangible. He clearly almost creamed all over Shigsy's face. Not that I also wouldn't have the uncontrollable urge to at least hug Shigeru Miyamoto myself.

Yeah, but it's just so heartwarming that it's in no way provocative. This just reminds me of why I love Nintendo and why I always have: no one else specializes better in bringing pure, heartfelt smiles to enthusiastic kids and kids-at-heart everywhere.

Nintendo is about making fun things, its that simple.
Sometimes they are off the mark a bit, but they never pretend that there is anything wrong with that as a core goal.
None of this "interactive movie" and "virtual actors" style nonsense other developers go on about. (see; just about any interview regarding Heavy Rain)

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Slydevil said:
The affection from the reporter was almost tangible. He clearly almost creamed all over Shigsy's face. Not that I also wouldn't have the uncontrollable urge to at least hug Shigeru Miyamoto myself.

This guy's work is what made me want to draw and take games seriously man. I would've kissed him and offered my hot cousin to him (if I had a female non married cousin). I bet if I ever meet him in person it'll be on the papers and tv as well as a photo of me in jail.

I met him once.
He was signing games in Virgin in London.
I shock his hand.
I didnt want to wash my hands after Smilie

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