Firebrand Landing on Planet 51 with DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2009 2

The brain behind GRID and TrackMania, Firebrand Games, has confirmed that the team are working on a DS adaptation of Planet 51.

The game follows the antics in the upcoming Sony CGI film, where astronaut Captain Charles 'Chuck' Baker arrives on Planet 51. He thinks he's the first living thing to set foot on this new world but ends up meeting ickle green men and must do everything he can to make it out alive.

We have a track history of creating incredibly successful handheld titles and now, with the opportunity to work on a huge film tie-in like Planet 51, Firebrand is taking our core skill of producing triple-A driving titles into a wider arena.' He continued 'Planet 51 is a game that has many diverse elements to it and we're committed to turning the game into as big a success as the movie is going to be. With a strong storyline and some amazing visuals we're sure that Planet 51 is going to be a massive hit on the DS.

Mark Greenshields, CEO of Firebrand Games

Planet 51: The Game is bound for consoles from November 2009.

Box art for Planet 51








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Our member of the week

For a split second i thought this article was about this Firebrand :

Image for

The Capcom character from Ghouls n' Ghosts (aka Makaimura), who went to spawn its own line of games like Gargoyle's Quest or the very good Demon's Crest on Super NES. I was already imagining a new 2D Demon's Crest on DS. Too bad Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Great to see Firebrand Games getting more recognition and the chance to try its hand at a big property. I presume this DS version will be a space racer of sorts...?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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