E309 Media | Be A Hero With Spore - DS/Wii

By Mike Mason 06.06.2009

E309 Media | Be A Hero With Spore - DS/Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The popular Spore series is exclusive to Nintendo on consoles so far; Wii is getting its first outing with Spore Hero, while DS gets its second in Spore Hero: Arena, EA having already released Spore: Creatures on the portable.

The games are more action-based than the PC original. The Wii version is more story driven, while Arena pits your strange little freaks in gladiatorial battle across the universe. The talking point of the series, the creature creator, is still in full force on both titles.

Here are some Wii screenshots. You can see the rest in the media album.

Image for E309 Media | Be A Hero With Spore - DS/Wii

Image for E309 Media | Be A Hero With Spore - DS/Wii

If the DS is more your thing, the media album for that one is here.

Are you interested in the Spore Hero games?

Box art for Spore Hero








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (9 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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