E309 Media | Attack Heroes Line Up On Wii - Screens

By Mike Mason 04.06.2009 2

E309 Media | Attack Heroes Line Up On Wii - Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Line Attack Heroes is the latest title from Koichi Ishii, the creator of Square-Enix's Mana series. In a complete departure from these RPG roots, though, Line Attack Heroes takes the form of an action strategy game which basically equates to you building violent conga lines. Bear with us...

The goal is to collect pieces of a dragon statue, but of course things aren't as simple as all that and so along the way players will be forced to defeat a variety of enemies. The twist is, whenever a baddie is beaten down they'll join behind you to create a trailing line of characters. With a flick of the remote you'll unleash an attack, determined by the character at the front of your line, that will be mimicked by all of your followers. Thus, the more you collect, the easier it'll be to take down the big boys. Your frontman can be altered with a click of a button, and each one brings a different type of attack that will, of course, have its advantages and disadvantages. There're also four player competitive and co-operative functions.

We hope to be able to bring you more on Line Attack Heroes, and the rest of Nintendo's line-up, very soon. Until then, check out these screens and the ones in our media album.

Image for E309 Media | Attack Heroes Line Up On Wii - Screens

Image for E309 Media | Attack Heroes Line Up On Wii - Screens
Box art for Line Attack Heroes








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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Looks nice bright and colourful.

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Sounds cool. Need a video to grab full concept.

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