E309 | Miyamoto: No new Pikmin 3 info

By James Temperton 03.06.2009 4

E309 | Miyamoto: No new Pikmin 3 info on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Yup, even no news is now somehow news. Speaking to Kotaku, Shigeru Miyamoto apologised for the lack of Pikmin 3 info at E309, but said that the game was still in development. Originally confirmed at E308, there have been few details released about Pikmin 3, so much so that we don't really know anything about it. And guess what? We still don't...

I'm sorry [...] Unfortunately we haven't been able to expand the team size very much, because we've been working on so many different games that we've shown off at the show. So the team is working very hard, but it's a bit of a small team. [...] Of course [...] The basic work that they've been doing quite nicely.

Kotaku asked whether or not the team was working on a full new game:

Yeah, and my basic idea is that the sense of the depth of the game and the simplicity of the control will all be there.

So, no news is apparently good news, which is lovely. We'll have more news when there actually is news. Until then, what would you like to see from a new Pikmin game?

Box art for Pikmin 3








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Its one of those games where you jut leave it to miyamoto. The left side of his brain must be enormous. His imagination is vast and intricate. The only ideas I can think of is to make everything bigger.

But perhaps more platforming elements. More pikmin with different abilities that you need to explore the area better. flying pikmin that carry you atleast 10 needed to do so.

More of a farming concept. Properly harvesting your pikmin and using organic pesticides to stop verming eating your crops. Using large chicken types to eat pests. That way you managing pikmin and other larger animals.

Yeah, I cant actualy visualise a good clear direction to take it.
Which might be why the teamsize is small...expirements before asset creation.

Obviously the wiimote makes great controlls, and online play would be nice.
But these are pedestrain additions...as would a new pikmin type. There needs to be a new major thing to the game. And I think miyamoto is one of the few to do that. (Or, at least, spot a good concept when someone else doddles with it Smilie)

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I bet when he said "We're making Pikmin" last year he was lying just to shut people up. Iwata was probably like "crap, now we have to make one" so the game probably isn't that far along.

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
I bet when he said "We're making Pikmin" last year he was lying just to shut people up. Iwata was probably like "crap, now we have to make one" so the game probably isn't that far along.

I hadn't even thought about that but that might be a shigeru tactic of making it. Would explain the small team bit Smilie

I think the simplicity of pikmin is one of its finest strengths. It is so simple, but executed to perfection. Vastness is okay, more pikmin isn't in my book.

Pikmin 2 was such a lovely game. Incredible.

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