E309 Media | Mario & Sonic Winter Olympics E3 Trailer, Wii/DS Screens

By Mike Mason 03.06.2009 10

E309 Media | Mario & Sonic Winter Olympics E3 Trailer, Wii/DS Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA have sent over a new trailer for Mario & Sonic's latest Olympic adventure - the winter edition in time for Vancouver 2010. Featuring the likes of snowboarding, ice-skating, bobsleighing, skiing and ice hockey, it's currently scheduled to turn up in October 2009.

Though this is a CG trailer, it confirms that we'll be seeing the same bunch of characters from the Beijing outing, along with newcomers Donkey Kong and Metal Sonic. Our favourite bit is where Tails proves he isn't so pure and innocent by blatantly cheating at skiing - the little scoundrel.

Check out the trailer below, and peep the media album for oodles of first in-game Wii screens. There are new screens in the DS version media album too.

Who else do you think deserves a spot in the new Olympic Games?

Box art for Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games








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I feel so sorry for sonic. I was such a sonic fanboy. I have the comics upto issue 100and something. All the megadrive games and master system ones. The 32bit spin off knuckles chaotix.

Look at him. His feet are now humongous his spikes are longer. Looks like a clown hippy. The stupid pop rock that replaced the amazing midi compositions from the megadrive days. The whole sonic team should be fired. They are talentless nobodies. If I was Yuji I would be devastated.

OMG did u see that bit at the end where egg man and wario were going to get sonic and mario, then they pulled that trick LOL. Sonic and Mario R FRIENDZ!!!! SmilieSmilieSmilie

they ought to really push the whole rivalry thing more instead of making them friends. that should be mario and luigi doushing sonic and tails in snow or vice versa.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Name still sucks, and after all of Nintendo's other announcements I find myself no really caring about this anymore, especially when I saw Shadow in that trailer, I just.. ugh.

Metal Sonic's in it, fuck year. I hope he wipes Shadow out.

SuperShyGuy62 said:
they ought to really push the whole rivalry thing more instead of making them friends. that should be mario and luigi doushing sonic and tails in snow or vice versa.

Kinda agree, but at least this trailer has more character reaction... What are the chances the game will? Very little I think... it's all gonna be very happy go lucky and innocent with no character interaction at all. Blegh.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Nintendo should have a bigger hand in this. SEGA doesn't always know how to make good games.

Miyamoto is supervising the project, so it'll probably turn out alright.

Mason said:
Miyamoto is supervising the project, so it'll probably turn out alright.

He supported the first one, which was "OK".

This one is already sounding much better, but it'll never be anything more than a generic party game with rival gaming icons unfortunately.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This game looks a lot better than the first one that came out.I think that the events are going to be more fun and challenging. I wonder if you will get a free Wii Fit board with it.Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I guarantee this game will be better than the first because winter games look a lot funner than regular but the first was still very fun. Also I hope they put WI-fi to challenge world wide com peters challenge each other, because the first WI-fi sucked badly. Also I don't mind if the makers give us the impression that Mario & Sonic are friends, but if they want more fans they better make them rivals.

team sonic (guest) 21.08.2010#10

cool game with mario and sonic cool 3d looking so awsomeSmilieSmilieSmilie

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