E309 Media | Super Mario Galaxy 2 Announced For Wii, Debut Trailer

By Mike Mason 02.06.2009 18

E309 Media | Super Mario Galaxy 2 Announced For Wii, Debut Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Not content to announce one new Mario game and another's localization, Nintendo also announced another treat: Super Mario Galaxy 2. The sequel to Wii's first 3D Mario outing doesn't have a set date yet, but is looking fairly far along and reintroduces an element that many may have missed from the last title - Yoshi, in all his tonguing glory!

Otherwise, it's looking to be along the same lines of Galaxy, though that's no bad thing. We spied large, sprawling snow planets, some more of the platformer-based bizarre worlds and more gravity adventures around smaller satellites. We wouldn't be surprised to see a few surprises in there, but we're going to have to wait until we're told more.

Image for E309 Media | Super Mario Galaxy 2 Announced For Wii, Debut Trailer

Sayeth Nintendo's Magical Press Box on the matter:

This upcoming adventure for the Wii console marks the first time a second 3-D Mario game has arrived in the same console generation. In the game, Mario rides his trusty dinosaur companion, Yoshi, to new stars and the fantastic worlds found there. This 3-D platforming adventure provides longtime video game fans with a fresh round of out-of-this-world challenges in the style introduced in the critically acclaimed original. The game is planned for 2010.

Image for E309 Media | Super Mario Galaxy 2 Announced For Wii, Debut Trailer
Image for E309 Media | Super Mario Galaxy 2 Announced For Wii, Debut Trailer

What's your opinion on Galaxy 2? Is it too soon for another, or have you been pining for it since you finished the first Wii game?

More screens/art in the game's album below..

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1048 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I thought it was Super Mario Galaxy... I don't see any difference, except the fact you can ride Yoshi now... Smilie woopee?

( Edited 27.01.2013 03:30 by Guest )

Im excited a little. Im cynical. It looks like they didnt know how to please those who complained so they used the same engine to create what looks like the same game with additional extras. But I wasnt one of those who demanded a new mario. I think Nintendo didnt fully understand why people were not impressed last time.

They have loads of IPs that havent been touched on the wii. They also havent come up with genuine new IPs (that arent mini games)

I thought we might see starfox like the n64 version but perhaps not onrails.

A glimpse of anew zelda with motion plus. Not First person but closer behind link so sword fighting was more intuitive.


A new IP from Retro.

And thats it. I would have been pleased with just four things. the above could have had 2010 release dates.

( Edited 27.01.2013 03:30 by Guest )

Yoshi rules, but still.

Cheap sequal.
Brillent probably, but cheap, nethertheless.

But I wasnt one of those who demanded a new mario. I think Nintendo didnt fully understand why people were not impressed last time.

I think Galaxy impressed 99% of those that played it.

I agree with your other points.
But its just a mater of when we see them.
We know Pikmin3 is coming.
We know Zelda is in development.
And we know Retro is working on -something- (and something that clearly isnt Metroid).

I would hope most of these will be in 2010. (2011 for Zelda). I dont mind them not being at E3 though.
I prefer games that are just around the corner when they are shown for the first time.

"They also havent come up with genuine new IPs"

They have (Disaster, ExcitaTruck, ExcitaBots) they just havnt made mass's of impact, despite pretty good review scores.

( Edited 27.01.2013 03:30 by Guest )

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I was impressed darkflame with Galaxy. It was an amazing game (though I agree with Iwata that it could have gone so much further)

What I mean is that the last E3 didnt get criticised because there were not 4 differnet mario games being announced like this time. It got criticised for not having any note worthy games period.

I think they could have blown everyone away and shown they are still head and shoulders above the competitors.

It was better but could have been special. They should have strived for that all things considered.

As for Excitebots Im not familiar with the franchise but I thought It was more an evolution that a new IP excitebikes=excitetrucks=excitebots.

Anyway I meant a game for wii like pikmin was for cube.

( Edited 27.01.2013 03:30 by Guest )

WTF at you people? I'd be happy if they gave us DLC to the first. SMG already had the winning formula and you guys are cynical, complain and call it cheap. It has much better graphics then the first. Look at the grass and how well rounded the giant goombas are, not to mention the snow. This is the first time two full 3D Mario games hit one gen people. You really need to look at the big picture here.

Guest 02.06.2009#6

I think it looks great. You don't see people complaining about Halo 2 playing similar to Halo 1, this will probably be great.

I am sad, that they are wasting Tokyo EAD's talent for a sequel to this generation's best game! Clearly they did it because of all those whiners Smilie. I would prefer a new Donkey Kong from them. It would be brilliant!

LOL ok bart and slimez. You both make good points.

I hope for this one the missions are longer. I would get really into the platforming and before I was ready I would arrive at the star. It made the experience feel too choppy for me. The hub itself was no where near as good as mario 64\'s castle. that felt like a level within itself.

( Edited 02.06.2009 20:03 by meeto_0 )

Imo too soon, there is a reason why there is only one 3-D Mario game per generation. I was so looking forward to Star Fox, F-Zero or a proper Donkey Kong. Don\'t get me wrong this will probably be good but not as good as the first.

EDIT: It will also be intersting how this game is going to link to the first game story wise.
Actually scrap that it\'s mario it doesn\'t really need a story apart from the whole princess peach gone etc etc ye know the rest.

( Edited 03.06.2009 00:34 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Yeah, it seems to be based on the same engine, but Majora\'s Mask was built on Ocarina\'s engine, and keep in mind how well and different that game turned out.

Personally, I\'m happy with more of the similar, but I can see where some could be disappointed.

meeto_0 said:
I hope for this one the missions are longer. I would get really into the platforming and before I was ready I would arrive at the star. It made the experience feel too choppy for me. The hub itself was no where near as good as mario 64\'s castle. that felt like a level within itself.

I felt exactly the same way. The later levels were better, but some did seem kind of short.

( Edited 03.06.2009 00:47 by samus_boy )

Super Mario Galaxy is one of my favorite games. I am extremely happy that they are making a sequel (and adding Yoshi!).

I loved the first, so ill love this one too. Allthough it's not much different from the orrigonal it looks sick.. I'm not to keen on yoshi tho i find he never controls as well as mario. The snow level looks the most exciting to me.

I am amazed that this has got so much negative feedback. This is the first I've heard of it and just because of that trailer I've decided I'm keeping my Wii.

Sounds cool and all but basically it has the same purpose of Super Luigi Galaxy (When the exams are over I might try to get 121 stars!)

OMG! OMG! OMFG!!!! I can't wait till this comes out! I loved the first one and I can't wait for this one!!!

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

They are using the same engine because they had ideas they never got to use in the first game, and this means we get to play these new ideas where they push the physics based puzzles and whatnot and we don't have to wait until Wii2.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Are you guys freaken insane! The first game had the best graphics ever made for Wii and an excellent story, but in all honesty it was easy to beat I expected it to be harder. I'm most certain that # 2 will be better harder & longer. By the Lynk that's a freaken awesome picture you have! Also I agree with C.B because usually snow places are the funnest in all types of games.
Mamoon's Review

mamoon said:
Are you guys freaken insane! The first game had the best graphics ever made for Wii

Correction, best graphics ever made for Gamecube (except maybe Resident Evil 4).

When the best graphics Wii game is actually a Gamecube game, then something is horrible wrong! Thankfully Mario Galaxy looks much better.

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