E309 Media | Red Steel 2 - Trailer, Walkthrough

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.06.2009 12

E309 Media | Red Steel 2 - Trailer, Walkthrough on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft demoed the upcoming Red Steel 2 in a first look during their press conference yesterday. Trailer and video walkthrough await!

The MotionPlus driven sword/gun game sees you strapped to a motorbike and driven through the harsh desert set somewhere in America, where Eastern and Western cultures have clashed into a high-tech metropolis. The game uses MotionPlus as a requirement, so will come as a bundled option later on release.

Box art for Red Steel 2





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (184 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Smilie looking much better then the 1st time

Looking great controll-wise.
Love the graphic style.
Just hope the games interesting enough to match.

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Wow, thats looking amazing control wise and graphically! Looks like a lot of fun!

This game looks fantastic. First day purchase so far.

Looks great visually but I'm still not convinced by the controls.

Wow that opening bit with the moter bike was amazing looking, maybe it's the small resolution of the video but i thought it was FMV until I seen the reticule moving about.

The bits where he was shooting the locks reminded me on metroid prime.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Just read the ign hands on if your not convinced by the controls. THey were one of the few reviewers that docked the first game for the inbound box for the shooting. They also, with everyone else mocked the sword fighting. They have been inspired by High Voltage so there will be serious customization.

( Edited 02.06.2009 10:00 by meeto_0 )

Have to say though, Ubi are really going for the parqour aspect in all their games now.
Assasins creed, prince of persia, BG&E, Splinter Cell etc etc. Now in Redsteel 2!

Guest 02.06.2009#9

Slashing a guy up in the air then shooting him in the fucking balls...priceless.

Looks awesome, way better than I'd expected Smilie

Stay tuned for our hands on preview from a recent Ubi event Smilie Should be up tonight/tommorow!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

My only negative of what I saw was the slow power blows of the enemies. And the stupid catchphrase they say to let you know they are about to attack. Looks like you could side step every blow without any skill.
Things have moved on so some more fluidity in their attacks would be appreciated.

I just couldn't watch it until the tutorial with Z and jump, then the hires-Video at ign broke down.
Absolutely stunning, great artstyle, I love it.
Great directing of cutscenes and them trying to find you in the tutorial. This one looking absolutely hardcore to me. And with this style it isn't outdated imho!

A must-have for me...!
(I loved Red Steel 1, but I was a bit pissed with the zoom-aiming and it got repititive, I played it only to the fatory.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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