E309 Media | FFCC: Crystal Bearers Trailer, Screens, Art

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.06.2009 12

E309 Media | FFCC: Crystal Bearers Trailer, Screens, Art on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix have summoned a new trailer for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers, due exclusively for Wii.

Crystal Bearers follows the story of Clavat protagonist Layle, a chilled-out chap who possess a unique telekinetic ability, controlled by your Wii remote, to interact with his environment, friends and foes.

The game is supposedly due out sometime in 2009 - in Japan, at the very least.

Image for E309 Media | FFCC: Crystal Bearers Trailer, Screens, Art

Image for E309 Media | FFCC: Crystal Bearers Trailer, Screens, Art

Image for E309 Media | FFCC: Crystal Bearers Trailer, Screens, Art

Update 03/06/2009: Square Enix's PR manager provided a walkthrough for the opening minutes of the game at E3 this week.

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Square Enix


Square Enix


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Looks EPIC. Shame the voice acting sounds very "average"...

Oh, and that Selkie guy is played by Yuri Lowenthal. I can just tell.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Looks like it's pretty much finished...I wouldn't be surprised to see this as the big Christmas game, with a simultaneous worldwide release.

Certainly looks good so far!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Looks Sweet. Can't wait Smilie

Oh wow.

This looks so awesome... Do want.

I wonder about that Selkie being voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, sounds like him at times, and slightly not at other times, though I guess he can change his voice a fair bit.

I wanna know what\'s up with the Lilties and Yukes, especially the Lilties, since they look Clavat size now.

( Edited 01.06.2009 23:50 by Kiyoshi )

Looks amazing! Can't wait! Gameplay seems very action like and that's great!

Looks better than I thought - especially in the walkthrough vid. Exciting times!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Guest 03.06.2009#7

That bit in the canyon looked exciting, the camera positioning was great!
Overall looking good indeed. But the voice acting sounds like a Dragon Ball Z episode, and that's not good in my eyes(ears).

Looks good, but that preview didnt show much of the bulk of the gameplay...just a cool intro sequence.

Hows the game structured, for example, is a question that still needs answering
Is it freeform exploration like zelda? Moving from city/town ver a map screen like ToS? Or is there set pieces in just a mostly liner sequence?

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Looks amazing. ITs so beautiful. Lovely opening sequence. Every final fantasy game I have played has an open exploration open world map. Loads of different towns and villages to explore. Hopefully this will be no different. The flying ships remind me of FF9 my favourite in the franchise and defintely underrated.

The game's looking better than my first impressions from those odd NPC and bit's of gameplay trailers released earlier this year.

I can tell that the game's going to be really good. Just has something that makes me want to try it.

. Every final fantasy game I have played has an open exploration open world map.

Crystal Chronics on the gamecube didnt. It just had a map with preset town points...like MarioWorlds maps.

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The demo had too many too long cutscenes, probably only 10% of the time I spent on the demo i was actually playing.

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