Saints Row and Red Faction May Come to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.05.2009 6

Saints Row and Red Faction May Come to Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The developer behind THQ's Saints Row and Red Faction has stated that a Wii version would be "within the realm of possibility."

Both games have been crafted for the higher-end consoles, but with growing interest from fans into a possible Wii edition of either, Volition has stated that it could happen - but it would depend on THQ and if there would be time in the future.

Though [THQ] may do Wii versions of [our games] in the future, Volition won't be doing them -- at least for the next year or so.

We actually talked about whether we were going to become a partial Wii developer. Then we talked it over with THQ and they had enough studios that were going to be Wii-specific. But we really wanted to focus on the technological advances [in console development], especially for Red Faction Guerrilla.

Jeff Carroll, Senior excutive producer, Volition

Thanks to Joystiq.

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"But we really wanted to focus on the technological advances"

When will studios see that controlls need technological advances too.

Advancement is so stupidly graphics focused it annoys me.
I want interactive enviroments. I want to be able to poke at things, and for them to react accordingly. I want games that dont look real, but FEEL real.

The Wiimote isnt used to 1/10th of its potential. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Well darkflame. I think for once we are one hundred percent in agreement. I sighed when I read the same line. Developers seem to me to be very ignorant at times. He isnt the first person to say (in other ways) that he is looking to push a series graphically.

Nintendo has offered devs a chance to explore other routes before hitting a brick wall graphically. Surely the people who buy these will wake up and say "hey! I played this exact same game when it was 128 bit and its getting boring'

Perhaps Im missing something but surely we are really close to the point where people wont be that impressed with the graphic enhancements. We can make bigger worlds but cost might limit how big we can get.

God damn I've been waiting for a red Faction game for years! (since the RF2 on the PS2 tbh)
It would be nice to get it on the wii, but the PC version will always be better due to the advanced physics system they built for this game.
It would work and online will be brilliant though!

I could see the local news headlines now:

\"New Wii game \"Saints Row\" upsets parents nation-wide\"

Local Parent #1 (standing outside a busy Walmart w/3 screaming 2-8 year olds):
I find it very disturbing to see a gruesome video game such as this on the same shelf as the mini-game collections that my children enjoy so much. How can I play the Wii with my children when I know there is a hooker being killed on another wii thousands of miles away? This COMPLETELY destroys the innocence of the Nintendo Wii.

What? I know you were all thinking it.

( Edited 01.06.2009 03:39 by Weo )

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

I think saints row should easily be possible, I mean, I liked playing Scarface as a GTA style Sandbox Game on the Wii, so Saint's Row should be easy to pull off.

I've never played a Red Faction game before, Red Faction B.E.A.S.T was suppose to be in development for the Wii, before locomotive studios was shut down.

These Developers sure love their graphics.

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matt (guest) 28.07.2010#6

with the graphics so far in saints row for ps3 ect the wii can do them graphics hands down i am disgusted with thq for not putting there biggest franchises on wii shame on them but they say they have something bigger than anything they have made before lets see oh it wii exclusive and massive step in tech for wii

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